Chapter 30: Richy Part 2

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"You're leaving Phil?" Richy asked as no one spoke a word or move a muscle.

Phil suddenly grabbed Richy by his collar and dragged him inside before slamming the door shut. Richy let himself be pulled forcefully into the living room, where he was thrown onto the couch. Phil and Dan looked at Richy as if they wanted to murder him, Thomas wholeheartedly ignored him, Hannah and Lilly were the only ones looking back at the mechanic, while Jessy was crying her eyes out and ran into a different room, followed by Cleo.

"Sorry, I can't... do this right now," Cleo mumbled an apology to Hannah, without sparing Richy a look. Hannah could only nod her head.

Jake was sitting in a corner, just watching the event unfold in front of him, looking visibly tired.

"Look who came to greet us... the legend himself, the dark poultry, the man without a face," Dan leaned back and folded his fingers. He looked at Richy with disdain and disappointment.

"Dan... I know you are angry. I have fucked up..." Richy tried to find the right words.

"Big-time," Dan added.

"I have hurt each and every one of you, my closest friends," Richy's hands started to shake.

"Oh no, no you didn't. You just kidnapped Hannah, attacked Jessy, and lied to us all, making us worry sick about you after your "alleged" kidnapping. Hmm... am I missing something? Oh, yeah you threatened and traumatized Lia as well," Dan said in a calm voice as if he was talking about the weather.

"I also caused Amy to commit suicide..." Richy looked down in shame.

Phil looked at him with disgust.

"I have a lot to atone guys..." Richy looked up, smiling painfully, his eyes started to water.

Hannah got up and sat beside him on the couch. Richy sobbed and looked away.

"Why are you here Richy?" she asked softly.

Richy let out a small, nervous laugh. "I had to come after hearing what happened to Lia. I kinda also felt compelled to get you guys to believe me, that I have absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance-"

"We already know Richy. Jake found a video of Lia being held, hostage. The situation is very complicated, but we know who has her," Lilly explained.

"You know who has her? Jake is here?" Richy looked around, and his eyes fell on Jake who was at the furthest corner from him.

"Jake... I have not gotten a chance yet to thank you for saving my life," Richy nodded with a faint smile, but Jake didn't move and only stared back at him.

"Are you okay Jake?" Lilly got up and went to her brother.

Jake didn't answer, he was only staring. Lilly touched his cheek and Jake's head slumped a little.

"I think you are tired, try to sleep," Lilly's words made Hannah get up from the couch, and together they brought Jake to Hannah's bedroom. Jake didn't complain, nor did he protest. His eyes were closed, and he looked like he would lose consciousness any second.

A couple of minutes after that, the Donfort sisters, left the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"He's out," Hannah made a hand gesture, indicating that Jake is for the time being, not able to talk with anyone.

"Poor guy, I think this was all a bit too much for him, first you, his half-sister, then his... well, the girl he loves," Richy shook his head with a sympathized look.

There was a silence, no one knew what to do or say until Dan broke it.

"So what now?" he asked at the same time Cleo left the other room, where Jessy was still inside.

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