Chapter 61: Prison

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"Wakey, wakey, little birdie," came the sing sang voice from outside my prison, which made me immediately jerk up.

After having that horrible dream, I tried to get some more sleep, but it was more difficult than I thought. I somehow stayed in this really uncomfortable situation in which I was half asleep, and half awake, making time fly fast but also felt like half an eternity.

I heard keys jiggling and then the squeaking sound of my cell door. I stood up and then placed myself right at the wall, facing the guard who is entering my prison.

He was wearing a different mask than yesterday, but from his demeanor and clothes, I could see that it was that creep Ronan. Since the first day I was held prisoner here, he has been trying to get way too close to me for my comfort. Apparently, he has been giving me the task to bring me food while keeping an eye on me. Today was no different.

He placed my tray with food on my bed, as I pressed myself to the wall.

"Had a good sleep last night?" he asked, and although I couldn't see it, I felt that he was grinning.

"Get out," I tried to speak firmly, which only made him laugh.

"Sure princess, I will let you enjoy your... luxurious sleeping quarters," he let out a mocking laugh.

He didn't move though, and I was getting anxious. He then leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

"I said I will let you enjoy, just not now," he added.

I wonder what would happen if I just threw the entire tray at his face.

"If you don't eat your food in the next ten seconds, I can just take it back with me and throw it in the trash. Is that what you want?" now he didn't sound so amused anymore.

My shoulders slumped in defeat and I went to my bed to sit on it, pulling the tray closer. Ronan watched every movement I made, and I felt exposed and vulnerable. If I weren't so hungry I would gladly refuse to take any bite, but my hunger was stronger this time than my pride. I realized I haven't eaten for two days as my hands were shaking cause of the lack of energy.

The last time I ate, it was at the burger place with Phil.

My throat started to tighten and burn as I remember how Phil tried to help me. I would gladly turn back time to enjoy the company of Phil even if he was a chronic flirt. Anyone else other than Ronan. Or Mike.

I wonder how the others are doing. If they were continuing their life. They probably had such a good time at the Aurora Bar. Did Jake and his sister get along well?

I remembered how happy they were together. Of course, they are getting along. They will be all just fine.

I wonder if anyone who knew me has called the police. If my disappearance has been noticed. I truly hope it did, or else I will be stuck here for a very long time.

I enjoyed my meal as well as I could. Food was the best thing that could happen to me, but I have longed since yesterday for a hot shower. After finishing my food, I pushed the tray, and Ronan went to pick it up.

"Anything else you need?" he asked, and I took a moment before I replied.

"Could I take a shower perhaps?"

He went silent for a moment and tilted his head, looking at me. Then it was as I could feel his eyes bore at me.

"You could if you share one with me."

"No, thanks!" I snapped and tried to stand up, but before I did, he grabbed my wrist.

I immediately got up and tried to pull my hand away from him, but he holds on to me.

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