Chapter 57: Lose Ends

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Poke was the first to leave the bar after Alan. Without saying a word he darted through the door and ran away.

"Okay then... guess I will see you, tomorrow guys," Dan moved his wheelchair through the door after Poke.

"Should I come with you?" Cleo offered.

"Did you not hear the police chief? We are all supposed to go home and use the rest of today to tie loose ends. Make sure everyone knows we are unavailable for the next week. See ya," and with that, he quickly moved away before Cleo could protest.

"Then I will go home," Jessy nodded. "Until tomorrow."

She jogged in the direction of a nearby parking lot where her car was standing.

"Okay, I have to do something very important, see ya all," Thomas waved and was about to give Hannah a kiss on her forehead, before he stopped himself, turned around, and jogged away just like Jessy.

Hannah looked at him, with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Phil popped his head through the door of his bar.

"Okay, bye then and if anyone is looking for me, I'm not available," he shut the door of his bar and locked it right away.

Jake, Hannah, and Lilly are the only ones left.

"Should we go to my place and maybe have something to eat? What do you think?" Hannah offered. Before anyone could answer, Lilly's phone started to ring.

She picked up. "Mom?"

She could hear cries from the other side. "Mom are you okay?" A pause. Jake and Hannah exchanged worried looks. "Okay Mom, me and Hannah are coming right now," she closed the call.

"What happened?" Hannah asked worriedly.

"Mom... she and Dad had a huge fight. I think they are going to get a divorce," Lilly's eyes started to water.

"Oh no..." Hannah covered her mouth.

"Jake I'm sorry but we have to go to the motel. Mom is there as she doesn't want to be with our Dad under one roof. You can stay at Hannah's place," Lilly grabbed her sister's hand before Jake got the keys to Hannah's place handed to him. He watched as both his sisters ran away in the direction of the motel room.

Alone with keys in his hand, he stood still, the cold autumn wind was blowing. No one was around him. No voice could be heard. Jake was truly alone. In a moment like this, he missed Lia terribly.


In his apartment, Dan took a deep breath then he pushed his hands on the armrest of his wheelchair, as his legs started to tremble. He has been forcing himself to train his legs for the past few days. He managed to make ten steps without any crutches, he was going to train his legs as much as possible even if it takes the entire night.

Dan rejected the idea of just sitting by when everyone else is going to put their lives in danger. He trained his legs while walking around his apartment. Once in a while, he had to lean against some furniture. He eyed his bottles of Jack Daniels, but tonight he refused to drink even a drop of whiskey. After he was able to take a walk through the entire apartment without help, he fell on the couch and rested his body.

His eyes fell on the wooden box on his couch table. He contemplated opening it. He knew Alan is going to be armed, he is a police officer after all. For a moment, he hesitated, but then he pulled the box towards him and opened it.

The gun he used to shoot at the man without a face, or in other words Richy, was hidden in it. He took it out and checked the number of bullets that were inside. There were still three left.

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