Chapter 5: Car

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I left my room and only brought with me my valuables. I put on my leather jacket and went downstairs, only to see Phil already parked in front of the motel. I passed by Lilly who shot a dirty look to Phil, who either ignored her or didn't notice her look. He grinned when he saw me.

"Lia?" he asked, pulling up his sunglasses. I nodded shyly.

"Who would have thought that my savior would be this beautiful?" he asked, and Phil pulled me into a hug before I could stop him.

I was going to push him away, to tell him off, when something inside me broke, and I realized that I could really use a hug right now. I had been very lonely and sad these past days, and missing Jake really didn't make things easier. I didn't burst out crying when I buried my face into Phil's chest, but I couldn't help myself to hug him back. To me, it was not an intimate hug, but more like a hug of a lost child who was finally able to see a familiar face. Phil seemed to sense something was not right, so he just stood there and rubbed my back until I was able to calm down.

"There, there," he said, his voice sounding gentler and softer now than his usual flirty self. I looked at him, a bit teary eyed. Phil smiled and patted my head.

"You seem to be a bit in a rough shape, how about we talk a bit after your visit at the police station?" Phil asked.

I could only nod. I wasn't aware that I could use some company right now. It didn't help that I have no friends and not really close with my family anymore. Sure, we talk and see each other from time to time, but I have never been truly part of their lives. The group from Duskwood and Jake were the closest people I had since a very long while. Maybe that is the reason, why I feel extra bitter right now.

Phil opened the door for me, and I entered his car. His car was an Audi, one of my favorite cars, everything was shiny and clean inside. I couldn't help but to admire the interior.

Phil got in and caught my glances.

"You like it, huh?" he smiled.

"Yeah, it's really nice," I smiled back. "You must have worked really hard for it."

"I did," he said as he was starting the car. "One of the first things I bought after running the Aurora. I had to save up money for at least three years."

I smiled and leaned back, enjoying the sound of the engine, when my eyes caught Lilly starring at me. I looked away, unable to define the look she gave me. Maybe she thinks now I'm one of Phil's countless conquests. Whatever, I don't care, I'm going to be gone in a couple of days anyway.

Phil was silent the entire time. He was a very skilled driver, and I wasn't surprised that we reached the police station safe and sound, though I could have also walked the distance myself. I don't know why he insisted on bringing me here.

"I will wait here for you, you understand that I am not keen on going back in," he joked.

I closed the door, then peeked inside the car. "Thank you, Phil," I smiled widely.

Phil looked at me a little speechless, then he grinned. "How about you thank me with a kiss?" he leaned closer, but now I step back to turn down his advances. He chuckled as I stomp off.

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