Chapter 20: Jessy

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"Again, like I said five days ago since this is a surprise, no word to Lia. Not a single one," Jessy puts her finger to her lips.

"Literally no word?" Cleo asked unsure about the plan.

"Yes, yes, you see! If we don't talk with her, it will make the surprise even bigger! Oh my God, I cannot wait to see her face when we all surprise her at the Aurora," Jessy giggled.

"I don't know, this can backfire very bad," Cleo mumbled.

"But she will forgive us when she sees that we have Jake with us! He will be the icing on the cake," Jessy giggled. "The most important part," Jessy wrote down the plan on the piece of paper. "Is to make sure Lia doesn't suspect anything. We gotta keep this a secret. Thanks to Phil, we know that Lia is coming next week, once she is here, Phil will distract her, we will prepare the small party at Aurora, Lia arrives and boom! Best surprise ever!" Jessy grinned and added two lines beneath the title Lia's surprise.

"Well, everyone," Phil entered the bar from his office. "Lia is in Duskwood, right now."


"Oh my God, are you absolutely sure?!" Jessy inquired panickily. The group got up and tried to gather their things.

"Yes, I was just talking with her," Phil pointed to his phone, grinning.

"You were on the phone with her?" a male voice said, just entering the Aurora.

Phil looked at him and they both started to shoot daggers at each other.

Dan let out a "Hah!" as he took out a small package of popcorn from his bag that was hanging in his wheelchair. Cleo looked at him in disbelief, then back at Jake.

"Jake, Lia is in Duskwood," Cleo informed him.

"Okay, guys, change of plans, we prepare the party NOW," Jessy looked visibly stressed as she had been preparing day and night for the surprise and now everything had to be done in a couple of hours, which means there was much that had to be improvised.

"Well, this doesn't change anything, we stick to the plan; you guys prepare the party and I..." Phil ran his fingers through his hair. "Will keep Lia occupied."

"No," Jake said promptly like a bullet.

"Well, we can't have you distract Lia, it will ruin the surprise!" Jessy stressed out. "Phil, call Lilly and inform her that Lia is Duskwood, Dan, inform Thomas and Hannah, that we need to start decorating now, Cleo you can bake any cake you can bake in four hours, and Jake..." Jessy looked at him with a stern look on her face. "You stay away from Lia until she has arrived in the Aurora."

"Just so you know," Phil grabbed his leather jacket and sunglasses. "I told Lia to come here at eight pm, be done by then. Don't you worry, she will be in good hands," he grinned and patted Jake's shoulder, passing him by.

Jake turned around and looked at Phil with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Well I will be going into hiding then..." he trailed off and left the Aurora.

"Remember! Stay away from Lia!" Jessy shouted at him before he disappeared.

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