Chapter 25: Jake Part 5

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The ride towards the motel was quiet as a graveyard. Lilly was sitting behind me and Phil, who was driving. I eyed the interior of his car and listened to the engine sounds.

I have to admit, it was a really nice car... I wouldn't blame Lia if she is impressed with Phil. I lowered my face in shame. What can I offer her? A life as a runaway, poverty and high possibly homelessness... Lia deserves so much more, yet I cannot simply let go of her. I meant it when I told her that she changed me and gave me meaning to continue living. A life without Lia is like living without breathing.

"So... what was that earlier? When you bumped into me?" Phil's question brought me back to reality. "Was that really necessary?" Phil asked as he shifted his gear.

I crossed my arms looking away. "A diversion. Can you blame me? You had your hands all over Lia. Now was that really necessary?" I felt a knot in my stomach. Lia once teased me that it was jealousy that I felt. She might be right, I could be jealous.

"As far as I could tell, she wasn't wholeheartedly against me being close to her. I think, what she needs is a man who can be there for her, and stay right by her side. I think I can do that for her. What can you do Jake? Tell me one good thing, you can do that I can't. And don't tell me it's hacking, that won't be relevant for Lia's happiness," Phil sped up as he asked me, letting his emotions take control over his driving.

"And you think you are so much better for her?" I asked my voice sounding colder now.

"I will do whatever I can do for Lia, I know what a woman wants and needs, and yes I am ready to leave behind certain habits of my old self to show her I am serious," Phil is gripping his steering wheel.

"Good luck with that," I gritted through my teeth. The atmosphere in the car is now full of tension.

"Guys please stop! Normally I would be on your side Jake, but remember, we need to find Lia first. That is our priority now." Lilly intervened.

I sighed and turned around to look at her. "You are right, please forgive me, Lilly."

Lilly shook her head. "It's okay. Let's just focus on Lia for now..."

Phil and I didn't exchange words for the remainder of our drive. Not long after, we arrived finally at the motel.

Lilly and I jumped out before Phil was even done parking his car. I ran behind Lilly, following her since she was the only one who knew which room Lia was occupying. We climbed the stairs and I heard Phil running behind us as well.

Lilly stopped behind a door in the middle of the hallway. She knocked persistently.

"Lia! It's me, Lilly! Are you there? Are you inside? I have Jake and Phil with me. Please open the door!"

We waited for ten seconds, but no answer, not even a sound. Isn't she back yet? Is she perhaps taking a shower?

"Lia please open the door," now Phil was knocking and calling out her name.

I didn't want my first moment to call her name in this kind of situation, but then I was worried sick about her, so I knocked as well.

"Lia... it's me, Jake. Lia, I'm so sorry for everything, it's not what you're thinking. Just open the door and let us explain. No one forgot about you, we were just preparing a surprise for you. I thought about you every day, every second, every minute. Please forgive me for my foolishness. Everyone in the group is not to blame, if you want to be angry, be angry at me, but for that, you have to open the door, and I will hear all you have to say to me," I tried to coax Lia to listen to me, to open the door, to give out a reaction.

The silence was starting to become unbearable, and I knocked again, this time becoming visibly more panicking.

"Wait for a second," Lilly sprinted away and climbed down the stairs.

Phil tried to see between the small space of the curtain if he could see any movements.

"I don't see anything," he whispered.

My heart started to beat faster.

Lilly came back, with a note and a key card. Before I could ask what the note contained, Lilly was opening the door, mumbling something of the line: I could get fired for this, but who cares.

We all three entered the room and Lilly turned on the light. We looked around, Lilly checked the bathroom and Phil checked the closet. I kept looking for any of her belongings, but it was obvious that she was either went home already or went into staying somewhere else in Duskwood.

Only then did Lilly open the note.

"Guys..." she said. "I think she went back to her city already." Lilly handed me the note and I read the following:

Sorry, I departed back to my city, my room is available again. Here's the key card.

I covered my face, the note slipping out of my fingers.

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