Chapter 18: Thomas

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Thomas couldn't hold back his tears when he was finally hugging Hannah. He was the first person she saw running towards her as she was sitting all there by herself, surrounded by the police, FBI, and firemen.

The others surrounded them, and even they started to cry. Lilly was the next person who jumped onto her and hugged her tightly.

Thomas laughed and wiped away his tears. Hannah was back, Hannah was alive, and she was alright!

Even Dan choked.

"That is so not like you," Hannah laughed at Dan.

Lilly pulled out her phone and took a picture as Thomas hugged Hannah again. She then sent it to Lia via the group chat. She had to know that they were all alright.

The next day, everyone tried to calm down and recuperate from the events. Hannah was at the hospital, but other than being a bit malnourished and traumatized, she was alright. Hannah has decided that she will resume therapy soon. She and Richy were staying at the same hospital. So far they have avoided talking with the police, and the doctors made sure the police weren't questioning them too much so they both could rest. This gave them both a chance to soon discuss a couple of things before they talk with Jake. The next day, the FBI left Duskwood as they failed to find Jake and are starting to get the attention of the media.

That was the moment Cleo told everyone what happened with Jake and Richy after Richy called Jessy. Thomas looked at her in disbelief.

"He was the one who found Richy? And was able to get him away from the fire Richy started?"

Cleo nodded. "Yes, but the thing is Jake had to go in hiding again. He is not in Duskwood as far as I know, he could be anywhere. He wanted to talk with all of us, mainly about what we should tell the police. We are also instructed to take care of Richy. He said that since what happened was between Richy and Hannah, they both should decide whether to confess to the police or not."

Thomas was less than thrilled to know that it was Richy who kidnapped Hannah. That was why he insisted on staying at Hannah's side as much as possible.

Thomas accompanied Hannah, entering the hospital room where Richy stayed alone. Richy took one look at Hannah and hung his head in shame. Thomas approached Richy, and then he punched Richy in the face.

"That was for everything you put us through!"

Richy didn't protest and got up, rubbing his chin. Then he looked Hannah in the eye and just fell to his knees, sobbing. Hannah knelt with him, and they both were whispering, talking about what happened. Cleo tapped Thomas' shoulder and signaled for them to get out for a moment.

"I think they will reach a conclusion..." Cleo said.

"I won't let Richy hurt Hannah again. I won't let anything happen to her," Thomas declared.

Cleo sighed. They waited for two hours until Hannah got out of the room.

"And?" Thomas asked.

Hannah took a deep breath. "Richy and I have come to the conclusion to let go of the kidnapping. I won't report Richy to the police."

Thomas looked at her in disbelief. "Why?" he asked, shocked.

Hannah explained: "While I was being held captive and kidnapped, Richy didn't actually harm me. I can see this as a punishment for what I did to Jennifer ten years ago. Yes, Richy did kidnap me, but other than being held captive for a couple of days, I was alright. Everything that has happened... it was a punishment for the both of us. That is why we will confess about Jennifer to the police, we have to atone for that at least... He is also going to need therapy because of what happened with Amy, and as much as I am feeling so sorry for Amy, it was ultimately her decision to commit suicide... Richy didn't kill her," Hannah walked a couple of steps.

"And what are you going to say when the police ask who kidnapped you and Richy?" Thomas asked.

Hannah turned around and smiled sadly: "Who else if not the man without a face..."

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