Chapter 37: Confrontation

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"He spilled the beans? Really? Of course, I will check the group chat. Yes, I will show Jake all the information you guys gathered. Wow, good job team Hawkins! Yeah, you three should go and catch some sleep now. By the way, where are you holding him now? Not in the office anymore, right? That would be too risky," Hannah sounded excited as she was on a call with Thomas.

A couple of seconds of silence.

"Oh... okay, well I didn't expect that at all. Okay, well as long as he is alive. Okay, I don't think anyone can find him there. I think Phil knows what he is doing. Okay, see ya later, and again, good job to all three of you," Hannah closed the call and then turned around.

"Good news! Phil, Jessy, and Thomas were successful in extracting the information from Poke," she smiled as she looked at Lilly.

Lilly nodded as she put all of Jake's equipment she picked up from his hideout, on the dining table. Only her, Hannah, Jake, and Richy have now remained in the apartment. Jake gave her and Hannah instructions on where to get his equipment and how to build it all up on the biggest table Hannah had. Right now, Jake was still very much out and almost seemed to be in a comatose sleep. He was now sleeping in Hannah's room again, where the blinds are down, making it as dark as possible to give Jake a much better sleep.

Hannah and Lilly also seemed to suddenly feel overwhelmed with tiredness.

"I think we should all follow suit and sleep for a couple of hours," Hannah suggested. Richy and Lilly agreed as it has been a very long day.

Lilly prepared the couch and turned it into a bed, while Richy just made himself comfortable on the lounge chair. Hannah turned off the lights, and her apartment, once full of sounds and talks an hour ago, was now silent.

It didn't take long for the three to fall asleep. Hannah's last thought was how she was lucky to be back, and how she understood now, that running away from her mistakes was never a good option. She knew that her younger, fragile self was too weak to cope with her guilt, but now, knowing how far her friends and siblings went for her, she did not feel scared anymore.

There was nothing scarier than never seeing the people you love anymore.


The sound of bubbling water woke Hannah up, jerking her awake from a weird dream she had. She looked around and saw through the kitchen where Lilly and Richy are preparing coffee and breakfast. A smile spread on her face. A sight like that almost made her forget the horrors that happened weeks ago.

Hannah got up and freshened up herself in the bathroom before she went to the kitchen to help Richy as Lilly was setting the table.

The bedroom door opened and a very sleepy Jake came out. He rubbed the back of his head, looking a bit embarrassed when Lilly approached him.

"Nah? Back from the dead?" Lilly teased.

Jake smiled. "I have to admit, thanks to you two being adamant, I was able to catch some good sleep. My head doesn't hurt as much and my temperature has dropped now. I still feel sluggish, but I am ready to get back on our plan to save Lia."

"But first, breakfast!" Lilly exclaimed and pulled Jake with her.

Jake couldn't help but smile wider, and he ruffled Lilly's hair, which in turn made her poke Jake, who in turn poked her back. Lilly giggled and tried to avoid Jake's poking, but somehow Jake always managed to catch an unguarded poking spot.

The two then playfully started to poke each other, which ended with Lilly jumping on Jake's back to prevent him to continue his attacks.

Hannah laughed seeing those two wrestling with each other as she put a basket of bread on the table. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and she went to open the door. Jake pleaded for Lilly to get off her, but Lilly was adamant that Jake admitted defeat first. When they both turn around, they froze and Lilly jumped off Jake right away.

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