Chapter 33: Temperature

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"Listen, it is already five am. I think it would be wise if everyone goes to sleep, except for three people, and I will explain why soon. We need to recharge our energy and get a clear mind. Only then can we start to save Lia. I have been thinking of a plan, and I'm sure we can save her. Unlike last time when someone disappeared-" his eyes fell on Hannah, "we aren't without knowledge on whom the kidnapper is and what his intentions are."

Most nodded, listening to Jake.

"I will make a brief conclusion of what we know already. Please follow me. Lilly, I think you should note the things down, it will help us keep a clear view in case someone has questions. Okay?" Jake continued after Lilly got herself a notepad and a pen. His headache has gotten worse for a split second, but he tried to keep himself composed.

"Okay, listen. Number 1: The kidnapper's name is Mike Warren. I have researched him on the internet a while ago to see if I could find anything new about him. Apparently, he is now a wanted criminal, also by the FBI, for his ties with a cartel and his recent role in human trafficking. So not someone we can easily mess with. Number 2: he wants 2 million dollars from me in exchange for Lia," Jake had to stop because of all the gasps and whats?!  that are being shouted.

"Yes, Mike just added another message after the video he sent to Lia's phone," Jake didn't feel necessary to show them Lia's screen.

"Is he crazy?" Dan grunted.

"I hate him more now," Jessy looked visibly angry, clenching her fists.

"How does he know that you will get the message when he is sending his demands to Lia's phone?" Cleo asked in confusion.

Jake didn't hesitate, "the phone was placed in a very hidden place in public. Knowing my skills, Mike was sure that I would locate her phone. He could not reach me since I'm very much invisible on the internet, unless he has a big team of FBI agents who are proficient in cybersecurity, he had no chance of tracking me down. Having Lia in his hands, will not only make me come out of my hiding, but he also knows that I will reach out to him."

Jake tried to push aside any thought he had of what Mike could do to Lia right this second. The last time he met him, he wasn't a man who would hurt a woman without a reason, he had a short temper, and he would occasionally hit even his own little sister, but only when she provoked him or made him get into trouble. He hoped with all his heart, that Lia doesn't try anything stupid... But then again, back then Mike Warren was dealing with drugs and not human trafficking.

"I will continue... Number 3: as crazy as this sounds, and you will hate me for this Lilly; I suggest we should not go to the Duskwood police-"

Instantly Jake was bombarded with protests from almost everyone except Hannah, and Richy.

"No way!"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"You said the FBI is also behind this guy!"

"We should not only tell the police but also the FBI, maybe even the army!"

"That's going too far, Jessy..."

"I don't care! I would even inform the press myself-"

"No press, no police, no FBI," Jake continued with a much firmer voice now.

"Okay, tell me the reasons why we shouldn't get help," Phil crossed his arms.

Jake felt a sudden nausea. He blinked a few times, before closing his eyes.

"Jake?" Hannah stood up and felt his forehead.

Jake tumbled forward, and immediately he was caught by Thomas who was standing beside Hannah.

"Woah, you're okay Jake?" Thomas held him firmly, as his knees buckled.

"He's hot," Hannah mumbled.

"You mean his temperature?" Cleo asked.

"Of course, I mean his temperature, what else am I supposed to mean?" Hannah asked dumbfounded.

Awkward silence.

"Oh no, no, no, you guys got the wrong idea," Cleo explained bewildered. Her face flustered in embarrassment. "I mean okay, physically wise Jake is- I mean, look at him and don't tell me he is not ehm - you know what I mean right? Anyone? Okay, I better just shut up now," Cleo crossed her arms and looked away.

Lilly glared at Cleo and mumbled something in which she mentioned Jake and Lia's name.

Thomas lowered Jake and placed him on a chair. Hannah went to get him a glass of water.

"He doesn't look so good," Thomas whispered to Hannah as she was trying to make Jake drink a glass of water.

"Pain killers..." Jake mumbled.

"Are you hurt Jake?" Hannah asked, looking worried.

"Head... feels like splitting in half," Jake mumbled again, before drinking the entire water offered by Hannah.

"I think I have some aspirin somewhere," Hannah went to her bathroom, rummaging in her medicine box, before returning with a package.

"Two please," Jake outstretched his hand, holding onto Thomas with his other.

"Jake, I don't think you should take two," Lilly was now beside him.

"No, I need two, one won't be enough," Jake pleaded, as Hannah reluctantly gave him two.

"Okay, we need to seriously get you to a doctor if this does not get better..." she mumbled.

The group exchanged looks as if Jake had to calm his breathing for a moment after taking the medicine. He knew he was not a good example to his sisters at the moment, but he agreed with Hannah to see a doctor after they saved Lia. Giving Hannah and Lilly his words that he will go to bed very soon, he insisted on at least continuing to explain his plan.

"Look, I know we have many more points to discuss, but since I am at the brink of passing out any moment, I will explain first why we shouldn't contact the authorities, yet. Let me add two more points to the conclusion. Number 4: Since Mike Warren is someone not to mess with, and since Lia is in his hands, I don't want to risk her safety in the incompetent hands of the Duskwood police. Even if they inform the FBI, they have failed so far to catch him. Either they have too much on their hands, are more focused on finding me, or... there is someone within that has ties to the cartel who wants to prevent Mike Warren's arrest. Either way, I know for sure, that we as a group, have a chance to save Lia. Number 5: If there is one police I could trust, that would be Alan, but before we contact him, I want us to do a couple of things first. I promise you all that we will involve Alan, just not yet. We have a chance to save Lia, but you have to trust me," Jake explained, hoping in his heart that he managed to convince the others.

Phil, Dan, and Cleo still looked unsure. Jake took a deep breath before he added, "if you cannot trust me... then trust in Lia who trusted me."

Hannah was the first to speak. "You and Lia managed to help me; of course, I trust you, Jake," Hannah puts her hand on Jake's shoulder.

"Okay," Dan and Thomas nodded.

"Of course, without a doubt," Lilly grinned.

"Alright Jake," Jessy smiled.

"I can trust you," Cleo joined the others.

Everyone looked at Phil.

"Phil?" Jessy asked.

The bartender looked at Jake with a frown, before relenting with a sigh, "I trust Lia. Be it through her that I... put my faith into your plan." Phil looked like it took a lot of him to say those words.

"Okay," Jake couldn't help but put on a small smile. "Then I will now explain my plan."

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