Chapter 40: Team Black Forest

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"I'm Suzie, and I am reporting live from Duskwood, the town that has been the talk of thousands of my followers, who told me to start some investigation about this sleepy town that suddenly has been all over the news station. I won't give up until I have the answers, my dear followers are yearning for.

My followers have so many questions: who kidnapped Hannah Donfort? Is the man without a face, legend, or reality? Is this bartender, named Phil – who doesn't look shabby if I could say that for a moment – has something to do with past crimes that happened here? Who is this mysterious hacker we only know his name of Jake, the source of the movement #iamjake. And is it true that he is in a whirlwind romance with a young woman, who helped my cousin Cleo find Hannah? I, Suzie, have now started my investigation in Duskwood, and I will not stop until I find the answers. Stay tuned in 'Newsy with Suzie'."

Dan's mouth was open when he finished watching the video he found on a website.

"This... is your cousin?"

"Not blood-related cousin, she's the daughter of the second wife who married one of my uncles last year," Cleo gripped her steering wheel as she turned her car to the left.

Dan looked back at his phone. "This is... bad. I mean, overall, she seemed to be quite an enthusiastic young girl, ambitious even, but, eh, it was a bit over the top..."

"Yeah, she's a nice kid, a bit noisy and putting her nose in other people's business way too many times. But it has been her lifelong dream to become a famous news reporter, I have to listen to it, every single time I come to visit my uncle. Not only that, her mother is even worse. You know those entitled parents who let their precious kids do anything they want? Yeah, she's that kind of type. She thinks Suzie has it in her to become the next star reporter of this nation. It all became unbearable for me when Suzie eavesdropped on my call with Jessy about our investigation of Hannah. Suzie wanted to be part of the group so badly. I was against it. My aunt Katrina was hellbent on me letting Suzie join us. I have been avoiding my uncle's family ever since. I thought things would calm down after Hannah was found... boy am I wrong."

"Oh, that's just fantastic," Dan's voice was oozing with sarcasm. "Not only do we have our friend kidnapped by a hardcore criminal, having a hacker and a bartender at each other's throat, now we have a teenage wannabe reporter trying to meddle in. Great, just great. And I don't even have enough popcorn for all this drama."

Cleo scoffed as she parked her car near a barn. "Hold on to that popcorn for a while Dan. I think this is going to become interesting."

Dan followed her eyes and saw Alan talking with Mr. Meyers, a small farmer from Duskwood, who is talking animatedly, gesturing towards his chickens. Not close by, stood two teenagers, a boy, and a girl. The girl had curly brown hair, with big glasses, holding a phone as if she was recording what is being said, and the skinny boy beside her was recording a video using his phone.

Cleo sighed in annoyance when she saw her cousin, as she exited the car. After getting out of the wheelchair, she tried to push Dan through the mud which turned out to be difficult.

"Just leave me here," Dan grunted and looked like he wanted to kick his own wheelchair.

"Sorry," Cleo mumbled, then she left Dan alone as she headed towards the small group of people, walking through mud, feathers, and chickens.

"I'm just trying to make a living here, officer!" the man looked annoyed.

"Yes, Mr. Meyers. We all do, don't we? Now, do you have any description of the man who keeps stealing your eggs?" Alan sighed and noted a couple of things in his notebook.

"No, I have only his boot prints. Here, look!" the farmer pointed to a couple of big prints on the muddy ground, leading and leaving the chicken coop.

"So you haven't even ever seen him. How about security cameras?" Alan looked around.

"Do I look like I hoard gold here? I only have cabbages and chicken. I'm a farmer, not a bank!" the man looked annoyed.

Alan closed his notepad. "So no description, no witnesses. How many times has this... person stole eggs from you?"

"Five days in a row and always at dawn!"

"Great," Alan smiled. "Then all you need to do is to keep out an eye the next time you think the thief will come, and call us once he is here."

The farmer looked impressed. "That's a good idea! I will even set up a trap."

Alan frowned. "Now let's not go overboard." He then looked at the two teenagers. "You two are still here? I told you to go home already."

"My Mom said I have the potential to become a news reporter, so I intend to fully follow my passion," Suzie packed her things. "I'm done investigating here anyway."

Alan's eyes fell on Cleo. "Cleo, what a surprise to see you here."

Suzie perked up and she elbowed her partner.

"Hey Alan, yeah Carl told me you would be here..."

"Carl..." Alan sighed and looked up at the sky. "He wasn't supposed to do that, I will have to have a stern talk with him-"

"Listen. That can wait. What's more important is that I really need to talk with you, like, soon. There is something I have to tell you..." Cleo looked at Suzie, raising her eyebrow. "Alone."

The girl immediately jumped to conclusions. "Is it about the man without a face? Or do you have any new leads about that hacker the FBI has been looking for? Are you and Alan in a relationship perhaps?"

Alan let out a surprised cough, almost stumbling on the mud and Cleo became as red as a tomato.

"For God's sake Suzie, stop assuming things. No, it's none of that, go back home! I'm sure your mother is really worried. Have you not told her where you are? And you Cody, don't you have anything else to do?" Cleo tried to ignore the curious stares of the farmer who is now holding one of his chickens, stroking it.

The boy named Cody just shrugged and Suzie pouted, but she lifted her chin in defiance. "Fine, I am going. No need to tell me to get off."

She turned around, and Cody followed her.

"You are giving up already?" he whispered to Suzie.

"No of course not," the aspiring reporter looked at Cleo who was now talking with Alan. "I have a feeling we are on to something really big..."


"Nine pm? At Aurora's bar? Okay..." Alan wrote the info down. "And you really don't want to tell me now what this is all about?"

"Sorry Alan, but we can't talk with you here. It is important that you come alone. We trust only you," Cleo pushes Dan back to the car. Alan gestured for her to move aside, and he took her place to push the wheelchair out of the mud.

"Alright then. Honestly, you are scaring me though. And that when we just found Hannah and Richy again," Alan stopped near Cleo's car. "Well then, I will see you all later," and with that, he went to his own car.

The two friends stood together watching Alan go.

"Our task is over," Dan murmured.

"Yeah," Cleo sighed. It has been more difficult than she thought.

"Black forest," Dan whispered with a smile on his face.

"Hm?" Cleo looked at him puzzled.

"Team Black Forest. The cake you once made for my birthday. You said it's from Germany, and it contained some alcohol," Dan was grinning now.

Cleo smiled. "Yeah, sounds good. I'm okay with that."

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