Chapter 12: Lies

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I ran and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I had to get out of here, out of Duskwood, far away from the source of my pain. I was a fool; I had lied to myself. Wanting to see if they were all safe and alright? Yeah right, I wanted them to recognize me, to accept me, to continue being in my life.

I wanted Jake to smile at me, in real life. I wanted to touch him and see the color of his eyes. I wanted him to show that he meant everything he told me, especially those last three words he wrote me.

I ran upstairs to my room and fidgeted with the key card before I was able to unlock. I closed the door behind me and locked it. Then went to my bed, fell on my knees and cried on the bed covers.

I just wanted to be part of their group, even after finding Hannah. I was determined to help them, so they would accept me. But they are all fine without me! Fine, as if I didn't exist!

I find you quite fascinating.


You mean a lot to me.


I wanted to protect you.

Lies... lies...

Because you are the only person I care about.

Lies... all lies...

I'm at your mercy, Lia.

I cannot simply evade you.

Such hurtful lies...

I looked up and grabbed my phone. I can't do it; I can't do this anymore. I wiped my tears to see clearer. I unlocked my screen and went to my chat app.

I'm done. So, so, done. There is nothing for me to do anymore. Whatever happens from now on, I will wash my hands off from this.

I went to the group chat. I removed myself. Then went to block every single person from Duskwood that I know.

My tears were falling uncontrollable. First was Jessy...

You are one of us now

Then Thomas.

Thank you, for everything


I want Lia to stay


You and hackerboy?


We can do it. You and me. We can help Jake!


I mean it, you can talk to me.

I sobbed. Richy.

One for all.

My fingers trembled. My tears fell on the screen.



I love you.

I pressed on the block button.

Are you sure you want to block Jake?

I covered my mouth, as I cry uncontrollable. I finally pressed yes.

Jake disappeared, along with what's left of my fragile heart.

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