Chapter 11: Air

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The night here in Duskwood was quite chill, so I tried to hide my hands under my cardigan. The marketplace was quite lively for a town this late. So far, no one has recognized me, and I'm very grateful for that.

The Aurora was close, so I stopped to check my phone to see what time it is. I was just checking again for messages when I heard a voice I haven't heard for days.

"Hey, finally you are here!"

I looked up; my heart was beating very fast. Jessy?

My eyes lit up, and I was about to greet her happily when I saw her greeting Cleo. She was standing in front of the Aurora, with Dan, and another guy I didn't recognize. He had his back towards me and has his hood up. They started to chat and exchange happy greetings. I just stood there like a fool, unable to move.

Guys... I'm here... right here...

I stood completely frozen; I was nervous. Should I call out? Should I approach them? Will they accept me or pretend not to know me?

Suddenly, someone ran past me from behind. I realized that it was Hannah, I would recognize that beautiful hair anywhere. I stood still in the shadows. Thomas and Lilly who was now giggling, passed me by. They didn't seem to realize that I was there.

"Jake!!" Hannah called out.

My heart stopped beating.

I saw the guy wearing the black hoodie turned around and Hannah jumped onto him, embracing him in a tight hug.

The paper bag I was holding slipped through my fingers and fell on the ground, along with the tears I couldn't stop.

Jake... Jake was still here... in Duskwood, with them the entire time...

Hannah hugged him tighter, and Jake hugged her back. I could only see half his face, he was hiding it under the hood, but even from the distance I could see him smiling happily.

Lilly approached the two, and she hugged Jake as well. I could hear commenting how nice it was to finally see Hackerboy smiling once in a while.

My body started to shake.

Jake... Jake I'm here...

I hugged myself, the pain was too much. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I let out a cry, trying to catch some air, but I didn't want to hear them wailing, so I covered my mouth to not make a sound.

My body started to shake, I could feel the familiar panic crept in. My vision became blurry, so I had to hug myself tighter to calm down or else I will lose control.

"Hey, it's nice that we are finally gathered here together in Duskwood!"

"So happy to have you with us, Jake!"

"You look quite good tonight."

"Hey, don't flirt with my half-brother!"

"We are complete, right? No one's missing?"

"Nope, let's go inside."

Then their voices disappeared as they entered the bar, and I stood alone. Alone in the dark and cold, trying to catch some air without letting out a scream.

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