Chapter 59: Nightmare

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He was staring at me. Tilting his head to the side as if he was enjoying tormenting me. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

The man without a face had his eyes glued on me.

The call ended, and my screen went black. Jake? Jake, the kidnapper of Hannah just contacted me. What should I do? Jake?

My screen lit up again but this time it wasn't a call. It was a notification from Nymos that someone was trying to hack my phone to find my current location. I tried to press any button to stop the hackers, but the timer continued.

Jake where are you?!

I trembled and was helpless when the timer stopped counting. Then I saw two men wearing ski masks, looking at me, then pointing towards me. I flinched as one of them showed me the screen of a laptop, which showed a map with an arrow, pointing toward my current location.

No... please no.

I looked around and saw myself surrounded by darkness. Then in front of me, which immediately eased my fear, I saw my friends. They were chatting happily, blissfully unaware of me.

Help! Please! Anyone, help me! Guys, I'm here!

I waved my arms and pleaded at them with tears in my eyes. The group continued chatting and laughing. I screamed louder, but the more I yelled for help, the louder their laughs were.

They then all walked away, leaving me alone. Only one person stood still. I saw that it was Jake, with his face still hidden under his hood, seemingly looking in my direction.

Jake, I'm here! Please help me! I'm in danger Jake! Help me, please!

Hannah ran past me and towards Jake. He opened his arms and embraced her as she jumped on him. They were hugging each other tightly.

Suddenly arms grabbed me from behind, I turned around to see shadows trying to drag me to a forest, much darker than anything else I have seen in my life before.

"Gotcha," I could hear Mike's voice right at my ear.

I fought back while crying Jake's name as loud as I can.

Jake, I love you! Don't leave me alone! Jake!

Jake wrapped an arm around Hannah's shoulder as they both walked away from me.

Before I was reaching the forest, Jake turned his head around.

"I don't need you anymore, I have Hannah now. The only person I truly cared about."

I stood still as all strength left my body as I felt something break inside me.

Jake... I whispered his name one last time.

Then with such a force, I was pulled inside the forest, where pain, darkness, and raven cries all mixed as one... the last thing I remembered, was an image of me, ending up as a skeleton buried beneath a ground, with the only source of light coming out from a square opening. I heard Duskwood's church bell ringing.

With a yelp, I felt my eyes snap open, with cold sweat all over my body. I shoot up, looking around the room I was in, trying to discern whether I'm still inside my awful dream.

I got up and walked to the sink to put some water on my cupped hand and drank it. With the back of my hand, I wiped my mouth and then looked around. It was still quite dark, but I could recognize my own prison.

No, I was still in a nightmare, even in reality. I am alone to fend for myself. Alone and forgotten.

My life is a nightmare.

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