Chapter 60: Instructions

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Poke was waiting for them at their meeting spot near a parking area at the edge of one of Duskwood's forests.

"I was wondering when he was going to show up, I thought he already booked a ticket to Timbuktu," Dan laughed.

"No," Alan said as he steered his car to the parking spot near the edge of the forest. "I didn't want him to meet up with us in the city, to avoid suspicion, should someone who works for Mike accidentally see us together. Here it's safe."

"Is this where I and Jake are going forward with Poke?" Phil asked as he leaned forward.

"Yes," Alan parked the car, as Phil cracked his knuckles and motioned Jessy to give him his bat. Jessy gave it, albeit with a bit of hesitation. They all then got out of Alan's car.

Right beside them, Cleo has just parked hers. Jake and Hannah were the ones to get out first. Jake and Phil went to Poke, while Alan instructed the others to get out their bags.

"Anything new?" Phil asked Poke who looked around unsure, as he hid his hands in his pockets.

"No, I was supposed to bring cigarettes and food last night, but I sent Mike some excuse that my daughter needed to be brought to the hospital. I got everything now, I just hope he won't beat me up later... Mike hates when something doesn't go according to his plan. And he hates people being late, so we better go in ten minutes," Poke flinched at the sound of Flint cawing.

Alan approached the trio and everyone else gathered around them.

"Okay, we went through the plan many times. But I will say it one more time: the plan is to successfully infiltrate Jake and Phil. The guards are wearing masks with integrated voice changers, the only good thing about all of this. Poke is going to get two guards who resemble Phil and Jake the most based on body type. Once they have successfully infiltrated the place, Jake is going to send the signal to all our phones. If he found Lia alive and well, he is going to send the second signal, and if everything failed or if someone is in danger, he will send the third signal. Meanwhile, Richy and Jessy are going to the point in which cars can enter the only path that leads to the hideout, to be on the lookout if any more people are coming towards Mike's hideout, which can include visitors, cartel members, cops, or even civilians so that we can warn Jake and Phil on time. Watch time is till nightfall, afterwards, Hannah and Thomas are going to take over the entire night. Lilly, you built up and turn on Jake's equipment, and continue encrypting data from Mike's phone. Dan and Cleo, I ask you two to take care of food and everything else in our two shelters. As you all know, we have two shelters, that we use to sleep, eat, and meet up. Shelter A is where I have rented another cabin in the woods, closer to our cars, the other one is Richy's hut, which is the closest to the abandoned factory and the path leading towards it, so far so good?"

Everyone from the group nodded. Dan holds up a hand as he coughed.

"Yes, Dan?" Alan asked.

"I don't want to be the party pooper, but, what if Mike suddenly tells everyone to take off their mask for, I don't know, sudden inspection?"

"Good question Dan, that's where I come in," Alan puts down his bag, then pushed the right side of his jacket, revealing a concealed handgun.

"I will stay close by where the warehouse is. Based on Poke's info, Mike and most of his guards are there. That's also where Lia is being kept. My job is to watch over and stay as close as possible in case something goes horribly wrong. I will also give out a signal every half hour, so in case I stopped giving out signals, one of us has to call my colleagues."

"Besides Mike doesn't know what I look like," Jake added.

"Eh, what? For real?" came the question from Richy.

"Yeah, we may have met one or two times, but I was always wearing a Guy Fawkes mask."

"He really does like wearing that mask," Dan muttered to Thomas, who tried to ignore him to stay focused.

"It's when I talk with my voice that will cause a major problem. Mike definitely knows what my voice sounds like."

Alan lifted his bag. "Then make sure not to utter a sound without the voice changer when he's around."

As on cue, everyone in the group also lifted their bags.

"Jake..." Hannah approached her half-brother followed by Lilly.

Jake took a deep breath and then stepped forward to hug her.

"I will make sure to make this operation as successful as possible," Jake whispered.

"Don't do anything too heroic," Hannah laughed with tears in her eyes. "I know you, Jake."

Jake smiled and then he let go of Hannah. Lilly was biting her lip as Jake hugged her next.

"Bring Lia back as safely as possible. And please don't quarrel with Phil too much," Lilly joked, earning a chuckle from Jake. He let go and then ruffled her hair a little.

"I will be back in no time," Jake smiled at both.

Not far from them, Jessy was crying her eyes out.

"Don't cry Jessy," Phil said as he stood near her, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I'm so scared for you," Jessy wiped her tears away.

"I will be fine..." Phil trailed.

"Please bring Lia back to us, please," Jessy accepted the tissue that Richy handed her.

"I will don't worry, this operation will be smooth sailing, and once it's done it will be one of the best stories I can tell while serving drinks," Phil grinned.

"O-okay then," Jessy blew her nose, and the Hawkins siblings locked eyes.

Phil's demeanor changed slightly as hesitantly opened his mouth, seemingly unsure what to say.

"Hey, Jessy... I may have never been a good brother to you all this time, but I want to tell you that-"

"Okay you two, we have to go NOW," Poke grabbed the groceries bags and went sprinting to a path leading to the forest.

Jake and Phil exchanged one look before they turned around and then went sprinting towards the forest as well until they disappear through the shadows.

"Good luck to both of you," whispered Alan, as everyone else stood still watching Jake and Phil running away.

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