Chapter 52: Handcuffs

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As Poke sat down near Dan, Alan took out his handcuffs and immediately restrained Phil.

Phil didn't fight back, but he let out a sigh.

"What are you doing Alan?!"

"No Alan, we need you to listen to us!"

Alan ignored Jessy's pleas.

"Phil Hawkins, you are hereby arrested on two accounts of the kidnapping of a Duskwood civilian. You have the right to remain silent-"

"No Alan! I kidnapped Poke the second time!"

"Yes, and I was there when we kidnapped him the first time! You have to arrest me too!"

"Very well," Alan said. "Thomas, Jessy, you two are coming with me as well. I only have one handcuff, but I am sure you two will follow me without causing any trouble."

"Then you better have a big enough car for us, because I was involved in this as well," Dan said with a firm voice as he moved his wheelchair to sit between Alan and Jessy.


"Me too!" Cleo got up. "I'm also an accomplice!"

"And me!" Lilly stood up.

"And me..." Hannah sighed. "We were all involved Alan, we know we did wrong, but please, you have to listen to what we have to say to you."

Alan looked at each one of the group. Poke just sat and watched in confusion.

"And Richy?" Alan asked. "Is he involved as well?"

"He is innocent," Hannah and Jessy said at the same time.

Alan went silent for a while. Then he nodded.

"Very well. You ALL are coming with me to the station for questioning. And THEN I will listen to what you have to say."

"No," a different voice said in the background, and everyone turned around.

Alan looked at the guy wearing a black hoodie and has his face hidden.

"They are all innocent. It was all my doing."

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