Chapter 32: Jake Part 7

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I had to pull myself together, ignoring my headache and discomfort of not being able to sleep two days in a row. I knew that it would come back with full force. I was always terrible with sleeping, suffering chronic insomnia for days which started by being constantly on my guard, then it escalated when I was focusing all of my time and energy on finding Hannah.

In the end, I was not able to sleep when I knew that I would meet Lia soon, and when she disappeared, it was impossible for me to close my eyes.

I guess I passed out at some point because I found myself on Hannah's bed. If it weren't for the loud shouting between Dan and Phil, I would have probably kept on sleeping, but shouting has always been jerking me awake, no matter how tired I was. Shouting either means the FBI was close, or someone furious was near me. While living on the streets, I had to constantly avoid anyone who is out of control.

The only good thing about their argument was that they woke me up when I had a terrible nightmare about Lia.

I was hell-bent on not letting that nightmare happen in real life.

If I was going to find Lia, I had to not only push my physical discomfort aside, I had to also ensure that the group stayed together. Right now, it looks like that task is easier said than done.

My biggest problems were Phil and Richy.

Phil obviously had still hard feelings towards what the group did to him. Jealousy aside, I can understand him to some degree. His name was dragged through the mud. False accusations, especially in a small town, can haunt a person for the rest of their lives, not to mention that news and rumors spread fast in Duskwood and there are barely any secrets.

I had to frown; maybe some secrets are buried so deep that not even the people of Duskwood could uncover them, I thought when I thought about my father.

The only ones who stood by and helped Phil were Jessy and Lia. I had to frown again. No wonder Phil felt attracted to Lia... it spoke volumes when someone stands by and believes a person who is accused of very bad things.

Richy on the other hand, the problems with him are not less complicated. He has been a valuable member of the group, someone liked by everyone. For the group to find out that he was the man without a face, will make trusting and accepting him back very difficult, even if everyone has forgiven him. As far as I can tell, I need Richy in the group. My intuition tells me that he could be a valuable help.

That is why, I had to take charge now to guide and lead the group, as all eyes fell on me after we agreed to work together to save Lia. Now I have to come up with a plan.

My legs felt weak, and I had difficulties keeping my eyes open. Hannah and Lilly were looking at me with their full attention, ready to catch me if I get close to losing my consciousness again.

When was the last time I had something to eat...? Or a longer sleep than four hours?


A.N.: Hey everyone, I just have to say that I am blown away by the recent response I got lately. Never in a million years did I ever think I would get such positive feedback on my writing, albeit it is fanfiction. I really enjoyed Duskwood, and having a bit of an open ending with many unanswered questions kinda irked me. That is why I try to pour as many details as possible, just so you guys can enjoy reading this while we all impatiently wait for the next Duskwood game. :)

Here is where I ask you guys for a little bit of help. Since writing has always been a passion since I was a kid, I have been writing so many stories, only to hide them away on my computer. After over two decades I have decided to share some of my work. I have many, but I have chosen two works I currently enjoy writing the most. If you guys are interested, I would really appreciate it if you could give it a try. They are available on my profile. I will give a small recap below, so I can save you guys some time and give you a broad picture of what is it about.

Love, Hate, and Karma: it is about people who wrong others, and thus entails how the person who has been wronged, coped with their actions. A tale about the consequences of our decisions. One character has 5 or more chapters. Karma has always been the main focus of my life and I enjoy writing stories that got inspired by real-life events.

Lacrimosa - Lake of Tears: a werewolf romance; a story about Freya who is consumed by self-hatred, wishing for nothing else than to serve and protect her people, and joins the Eclipse Knights, a group of the strongest wolf-shifters. Aidon, the commander of the Eclipse Knights is on his life mission to avenge the slaughter of his pack. The pair get thrown together into suicide missions, where they have to learn not only to trust without a doubt but to deal with the obvious attraction they feel for each other. When one is consumed by self-hatred, and another by an unquenchable thirst for retribution, can their love survive and develop upon such grounds?

If this ain't your cup of tea, then I understand. I am thankful for you continuing to read "The Color of Your Eyes".

The next chapter will be up tomorrow! Have a nice day. :)

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