Chapter 10: Candies

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I dried my hair after taking a well-deserved shower. I contemplated not to go to the bar since I felt like just staying in my room and watching some movies, but I promised Phil, so I had no choice. I made a mental note not to drink too much. Duskwood maybe safe now, but you never know.

Phil wanted me to arrive at eight pm, but I have decided to come an hour earlier, since I was not keen on walking on my own to the motel too late. I put on my favorite black leggings and a long sleeve yoga shirt. I made my hair into a messy bun and applied minimal make up. I just wanted to dress nice casual, nothing special tonight. I'm just going to chat a little with Phil and try some of his drinks, then go back to the motel.

My eyes fell on the paper bag with a package of handmade candies. During my time with the group, I found out from someone that Jessy loved candies, so I brought some from my hometown. I will give them to Phil, so he can give them to Jessy. She doesn't have to know that it's from me, but I always wanted to gift them to her. She was, after all, the one who helped me the most with my investigation.

I checked my phone. Still nothing, no message from any of my friends or Jake. I checked the news, nothing new. The clock showed that I still had a half hour. Good, I can walk there for twenty minutes and still be early enough for a safe walk back to the motel. I checked myself in the mirror.

I smiled as I felt better, with a hint of hopefulness. Maybe crying earlier did help, I gotta thank Phil again later. I realized that aside of him being a chronic flirt, he wasn't so bad after all. That still doesn't mean that I would give Phil any hopes of starting something with me aside of friendship. I either have to find Jake or get over him, before I start anything new.

With a bigger smile on my face, I grabbed my cardigan and grabbed the paper bag, closing the door behind me. I hummed my favorite song, as I was heading for the Aurora. I'm sure it's going to be a nice evening.

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