Chapter 28: Hannah

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Everybody was talking incoherently at the same time as Hannah served tea and coffee along with a couple of biscuits. She looked around, examining her friends.

Lilly was telling Cleo, Jessy, and Dan what had happened after they searched Lia's hotel room, Thomas was talking with Phil about how it went when Thomas informed Richy of what had happened tonight.

Jake was sitting in a corner, holding Lia's phone, her backpack close by. He is trying to unlock her phone without using a pin, typing commands on his laptop, since he didn't know the number. Jake said it would take a while, and even mentioned he did the same with Hannah's phone. Hannah has heard of what Jake and Lia did together in order to find her. She would help Jake get Lia back, it was more than fair; she felt she owed that much to both Lia and Jake.

"We should call the police," Lilly mentioned when the group suddenly went silent as if they all had nothing more to discuss.

"As much as I hate the Duskwood police, I think I agree with Lilly," Phil took out a cigarette, but stopped when Hannah glared at him.

"Same," Dan mumbles, drinking another shot of whiskey.

Jake pointed up a finger. "We can call the police as soon as I have unlocked this phone, maybe there is a clue that could tell us what happened to Lia," he said, his face still pale like a ghost.

"Jake, this is something really big... we should call the police right now," Hannah tried to persuade her half-brother as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Give me five minutes, after that, Lilly can call them," Jake insisted.

The group went silent while waiting for Jake to finish his task. Phil was about to tell Lilly to call them when Lia's phone made the unlocked screen sound.

"Wow," Hannah mumbled, seeing Jake's talent for the first time in real life. Most of the members of the group scooted closer, to get a good look at Lia's phone.

Jake went to Lia's messenger app, to see who the last person was she talked to. Suddenly his brows furrowed deeper as he was seemingly looking at something.

"Just an hour ago, Lia got a video message from an unknown person, the phone number is hidden," he showed the screen as he puts the phone on the ground, so everyone can watch.

Then he pressed play.

In the video, Lia was seen being tied to a chair, in a very dimly lit room with nothing else, she struggled a little when a male voice could be heard.

"Say something," the voice commanded.

Jake's eyes widened, and he let out an audible gasp of shock and gratitude. Jessy cried and Lilly pointed to the screen saying, "That's Lia! That's definitely her!"

"Shhh," Thomas said, as they all had to listen to what was happening.

"Go sit on a cactus!" Lia angrily said while coughing.

"Ohh boo..." Dan whispered, fearing for Lia's safety.

"Feisty little thing, isn't she?" the male voice was speaking again, and Jake could have sworn that he heard it before. He clenched his fists as he watched Lia keep struggling. No matter who that man is, he will hunt him down.

"Well Jake, if you don't want your pretty little girlfriend here-" the man kept speaking as Phil whispered to Jessy, "since when is she Jake's girlfriend?"

"For the last time! He is not my boyfriend."

"Apparently she isn't," Jessy whispered back.

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