Chapter 23: Jake Part 3

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About time, I thought when I saw Phil finally leaving Lia alone. She stood at the bridge for a while, probably lost in her thoughts before heading back towards the motel. I followed her, just to make sure she is safe. After seeing her entering her room, I turned around and went back to the place I rented while staying here in Duskwood. Cleo should be arriving at the Aurora soon since she is on her way from Richy. Richy is still in the hospital, but even if he was discharged, he would have decided not to come tonight as he was still feeling ashamed of Lia. He has threatened her life multiple times. There will be a time for apologies.

We still had more than one hour, but I decided to wait with Jessy outside the Aurora, as it was very chilly outside and I had to cool off my head since I was very nervous. Cleo arrived shortly after me, and Jessy greeted her. Then I heard my name being called, and I turned around, seeing Hannah running toward me. She jumped, and I embraced her, finally seeing her being alive and well for the first time after I witnessed her being kidnapped.

"I can finally meet you face to face brother," she whispered. I smiled and let go of her, I wasn't a guy who was good with words, so I let my face show her how happy I was to see her. Lilly hugged me afterward and we all exchanged greetings.

"Hey, it's nice that we are finally gathered here together in Duskwood!" Jessy beamed.

"So happy to have you with us, Jake!" Hannah added and hugged me again.

"You look quite good tonight," Cleo added jokingly looking at my outfit that didn't change much except I was wearing my best jacket after my hoodie.

"Hey, don't flirt my half-brother," Lilly protested. She was so bound on seeing Lia and me together.

"We are complete right? No one's missing?" Jessy looked around.

"Nope, let's go inside," Dan said before wheeling himself into the bar.

We all followed, and Jessy went to check the small buffet we have prepared for Lia. Cleo checked her cakes and I passed by Phil who immediately grabbed my arm. Dan and Thomas were eyeing Phil.

"Hey what was that earlier?" Phil glared at me.

"You should keep your hands off Lia," I replied coldly.

"What did you do Phil?" Thomas asked looking worried.

Phil scoffed and let go of my arm. I brushed off the place where he touched me.

"Nothing," Phil said. "I just had a good time with Lia that is all," he put a lot of emphasis on her the word good which made my blood boil, but before I could do anything, he was already walking towards his office.

The group was chatting, and Hannah and I were catching up when the clock almost showed eight pm.

"Okay guys, let's all go into hiding. Phil, you know the signal when Lia is here, okay?" Jessy swatted Dan's hand who tried to grab one of the pretzels.

"Yeah, I will whistle, when she is here," Phil said as he polished a tumbler glass with a cloth.

"Okay guys, and now... hiding mode!" Jessy giggled and everyone went to their designated hiding place. Since Lia didn't know what I looked like, I was the only one who was allowed to sit at a table.

The clock showed eight pm when we finally all managed to hide. Phil kept polishing his glasses, waiting to greet Lia once she opened the door. There were no guests tonight as Phil has made the bar closed only for the special occasion.

I heard Jessy giggling in anticipation behind a palm tree, Hannah and Thomas were hiding behind the bar along with Dan who was sitting in his wheelchair, looking at the clock. Cleo and Lilly are under the biggest table, and I tried to calm down my nerves as I was going to see Lia finally face to face any minute.

Five minutes passed by and Jessy peeked from behind the palm tree, then ten minutes, fifteen minutes...

"What's taking so long?" I heard Dan mumbling.

After twenty minutes everyone got out of their hiding spot. Phil dropped the glasses and went outside looking around for Lia. He then got back inside, shaking his head.

"Did you make sure to tell her to come at eight pm?" Jessy asked her brother.

"I did, ask Mr. Hacker here, he was close by the entire time," Phil glared at me.

I went outside myself to look around in front of the Aurora. No sight of Lia. The others followed me, except for Dan.

"Did she send you a message?" Jessy asked Phil. He wiped out his phone and checked. Then he shook his head.

"No messages," he replied.

I put my hands above my head, feeling a surge of panic.

"Should I go to the motel and check if she's there?" Lilly asked me.

"Yeah, that would be not such a bad idea..." I mumbled, still busy looking around.

Jessy suddenly ran past me towards something that was laying on the ground a bit further away. Cleo grabbed my shoulder with a shocked expression.

"Jake I am blocked by Lia on the messenger app. She also removed herself from the group chat," Cleo showed me her phone with a panicked look on her face.

Lia, what happened to you?

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