Chapter 6: Alan

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I went to the front desk and told the officer there that I was awaited by Alan Bloomgate. After I told him my name, I was escorted to an office, probably Alan's. I sat down, and after I declined a cup of coffee, I was left alone.

I looked around, trying to see if they had any hints lying around about Richy or Jake, but I couldn't examine further as Alan was entering his office.

"Well, look who finally is here showing up," he said in his voice with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

He reached out and we shook hands. Alan asked me how my day was and other nonchalant things before starting the questioning.

First, he interrogated me all about my investigation with Hannah. I answered them all as best and as truthful as I can, of course leaving out any detail about Jake. After ten minutes, Alan puts away his note pad.

"I am very thankful for all your help with finding Hannah Donfort, and I am glad we were able to work well together, even if it was only for a short while, but I can't help to feel like you are still hiding a very big detail out of all of this."

I looked at Alan, trying to put on my best poker face.

"I don't know what you mean," I said promptly.

Alan smiled and leaned back on his chair.

"Come on, Lia, we both know that there was someone else involved in your little detective search."

"I already told you who helped me with the case," I fidgeted with my fingers under the table.

"Yeah, but up until this point, you have not mentioned Jake."

My body froze and looked at Alan, trying not to show any emotions. Either I failed or Alan wasn't fazed because he continued.

"You see, I had a talk with the FBI..."

Ah! So that's where it all came from. God damn FBI again.

"... and I found out that your boyfriend is a wanted hacker by the government."

"He is not my boyfriend," I said promptly, surprising myself. I bit my lip and looked away. How can he be my boyfriend? I'm still unsure whether I even matter to him! Sure, we confessed, but that doesn't make us being in a relationship... Jake never specifically asked me out. He said he loved me and that we will meet in Duskwood, but that's it. I was planning to solidify our relationship once we met.

Alan looked at me, raising his eyebrow, and continued as if he didn't see that outburst.

"Anyway, I have been tasked by the FBI to be on the lookout for him, so I was hoping you could tell me his whereabouts. I am not here to arrest him, the case seemed to be more complicate than it looks like, but the FBI is not giving me much information. I only intend to go to the bottom of this, to not make Duskwood get a worse reputation that it already has. I only want to help Jake, but I can't help him if I don't know where he is," Alan paused, giving me the chance to speak.

I lowered my head, unable to hide my sadness.

"I don't know where he is. We were only in contact with each other to find Hannah. Hannah is safe now, he is gone and probably done with me. I have never heard from him again, and I don't think I ever will," at least that was not a lie.

Alan seemed to believe me because he then puts his notepad in his pocket.

"If that is so, Miss Clarson, then I have no further questions. If you get any other info about Jake, you know how to reach me," he shook my hand again.

I nodded and stood up. Alan walked me to the front door.

"Is this your first time in Duskwood?" he asked.

"Yes, it's prettier than I thought," I said honestly.

Alan smiled. "Yeah, I know this town has its downsides, but I could never bring myself to live anywhere else. Even after... everything that has happened."

I turned around and nodded. Alan looked at me before saying: "I truly meant what I said earlier. Thank you for your help."

He then quickly left me, because apparently, he still has a lot to do. I just stood there, having the knot in my chest loosened a little.

At least one person has thanked me after what I went through and did for people I have not met in real life.

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