Chapter 19: Dan

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"I don't want to be a party pooper, and I am happy that we are gathered here together in café Rainbow like old days, but shouldn't we inform Lia about what has happened these past three days?" Dan commented as he devoured a piece of pie.

"That is right, we haven't contacted her till now," Cleo facepalmed herself. "Jake told me to message her, and I completely forgot."

"I have sent her a picture, she knows we are safe," Lilly added.

"I don't think that's enough," Dan shook his head. "That little boo is probably all worried now. I think we should just invite her to Duskwood instead of bombarding her with hundreds of messages of what happened."

"That is a marvelous idea!" Jessy squealed. "We will finally be able to meet her!"

"Are you guys talking about Lia?" came a male voice from behind.

"Phil!" Jessy jumped up and hugged her big brother. Dan just grunts as a greeting, he is still not fond of Phil, but he has to confess about falsely accusing Phil, and he doesn't look forward to it.

"I heard from a talk with Alan, that he is planning to invite Lia soon to Duskwood, so she will be here next week," Phil smiled as he run his fingers through his hair.

"Great! We should prepare something for her!" Jessy clapped her hands as she glanced at her brother. "And we should keep it as a surprise!"

"Hmm," Phil taps his chin and Dan looked at him suspiciously. "Maybe we should arrange something in the Aurora, I have always wanted to invite Lia after all..."

"Hey!" Lilly immediately stood up. "Back off Phil! Lia belongs with my brother!"

Phil raised an eyebrow. "Last I checked, she was single."

"Don't tell me you have her eyes on her," Dan mumbled as he started to eat his second piece of the pie. Cleo eyed Dan in disbelief.

"And what if I say yes," Phil revealed, a serious look on his face.

"For real Phil?" Jessy asked before she grinned from ear to ear. "Like for real real? You are interested, not for just a little bit of fun?"

"No!" Lilly exclaimed. "Lia belongs with Jake!"

"I don't mind if Lia goes out with Phil..." Jessy giggled, covering her mouth with one hand.

"Yeah, good luck with that, I'm going to tell Jake, and he won't be happy about that," Lilly huffed, glaring at Jessy and Phil as she took out her phone.

"Ladies, ladies, I think we should let Lia decide which loser she wants to date more," Dan casually said as he was busy enjoying his pie.

"What are you guys talking about my half-brother?" Hannah suddenly appeared from behind with Thomas.

"Hannah! Phil wants to date Lia, but she belongs with Jake," Lilly sighed dramatically.

Hannah looked at Phil, raising an eyebrow. "No," she said. "I don't know Lia personally, but from what I have heard about her, she is too good for you, Phil. Nope, she is far better suited with my half-brother," Hannah then had a dreamy look in her eyes.

Lilly looked smug and satisfied. Jessy groaned and sat down, crossing her arms. "Let Lia decide for herself. This is not over yet."

"Nope," Dan said. "This is not over yet, and I am going to sit comfortably, eating popcorn while watching the drama unfold," he smiled eating his third piece of the pie.

"Dan, how many pieces have you eaten already?" Cleo asked in disbelief.

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