Chapter 21: Jake

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I screwed up, I knew I did the moment I got myself a new phone and put my number in it. The messages from Lia kept pouring in.

Jake, where are you?

Please contact me

Jake? You are okay, right?

I'm worried about you

Jake, I saw on the news the FBI is still looking for you, that means you are not caught yet right?

Jake... just tell me you're alright

I feel like crying now, I know you are out of there. I can see my messages are not coming through. I will be waiting here, however long it takes. I'm here for you

I read through every single message.

When her messages came through, she must have seen it, because she bombarded me with more messages.

Jake, you're back!

Jake, I can see you are online

Jake, why aren't you talking to me?

She sent me at least dozens of messages that day. Then another day has passed. Then the last message I got from her really drove a knife into my heart.

I thought you loved me...

I wanted to answer her so badly, but I had to stop myself. The FBI was still in the lookout, and I don't want to risk Lia's safety by having them be able to trace her through my messages. So I had to ignore her. It was already risky that I was reading her messages. Once they left Duskwood I will drive to her city and meet her face to face.

Simply because just chatting is not enough anymore.

Hannah was found and safe, my job here is done, but then Jessy got the news that Lia is coming to Duskwood and wanted to throw a surprise party for Lia. I was not thrilled, I wanted to finally meet her face to face, on the other hand, I wanted to finally meet Hannah as well. For her safety as well, I have postponed doing so, and Jessy said we could gather together one hour before Lia arrives in Aurora so Hannah and I can catch up.

I was not against the plan until Phil was in the picture. Really? From all people in this world, why did he have to be the one to keep Lia occupied? Could it not be someone else?

"I'm in a wheelchair," Dan said.

"I have work until six pm at the motel," Lilly shook her head.

"Are you crazy? I need to prepare and make sure the party is perfect!" Jessy shrieked.

"Sorry Jake can't leave Hannah alone, she needs me," Thomas declined.

"And I have to bake three cakes, three cakes Jake, you know how time-consuming that is?" Cleo looked like she was going to lose her shit.

Sorry, Jake, I'm still in the hospital, I was shot by Dan remember? Richy apologized via text.

"Well, guess I'm the only one who is suited for the job," Phil smirked, looking very smug at me.

I had the urge to shove my laptop down his throat.

I had to accept it, more or less, because honestly, I really wanted to surprise Lia. She has always told me she wanted to hold me and see the colors of my eyes in real life.

Then something happened, which we didn't see coming: Lia was in Duskwood way sooner than we thought. My heart was beating fast, knowing our distance is very small compared to before. In a couple of hours, I will see her face to face, and I can finally confess to her my feelings in person, hold her, kiss her...

"See ya and don't worry about her, she will be in good hands," Phil said smugly as he patted my shoulder.

I swear to God if you touch her with your filthy hands...

"Well, I will be going into hiding then..." I said as I put up my hood, hiding my face, leaving the Aurora.

I headed towards the police station as that would be the place Lia is going to head next after checking in the motel Lilly is working at.

I leaned against a wall, hiding behind a tree close by while waiting for Lia to arrive. I have seen what her face looks like, I couldn't help but hack her social media to see pictures of her.

I have looked at her pictures multiple times a day. It didn't help my case that she had such a natural beauty. Long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and such a bright smile.

The sound of an Audi caught my attention and I saw Phil parking close by. Lia got out of the car; her sight made me forget how to breathe for a moment. She was even more beautiful in real life.

She was close, so close I could just take a few steps and hug her from behind, but I refrained from doing so.

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