Chapter 62: Day 1

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"Good morning," Poke said as he dumped the two groceries on the couch table.

"About time, what the fuck took you so long?" Ronan snarked as he went through the bag to find his cigarettes.

"Sorry, my daughter got a fever, and I had to bring her to the hospital..." Poke looked around.

"Mike is pissed," Marvin said as he fished himself a package of chocolate nuts out of the bag.

"Look, my kid is still a baby-" Poke got cut off before he could finish.

"Don't explain to me, explain to Mike, he is in his office. Craig just got called into the office," Ronan laughed as he opened the package of cigarettes.

"So I guess that he finally buckled, huh? Or Mike found out he wants out," Marvin eyed leaning back on the couch.

"Oh, he definitely found out, because I told him," Ronan said smugly, and Poke had to look away to hide his shocked look as he knew what that meant.

"You snitch," Marvin said and if he weren't wearing a mask, he would have shown a look of disgust.

Ronan shrugged as he enjoyed his cigarette.

"How's the girl...?" Poke turned around and looked at the prison behind him. He could have sworn he saw movement, and something disappeared from his view.

"Peachy, per usual. She will be painting, starting today. I wonder how it will turn out," Ronan looked at the ceiling.

Poke started to become nervous as he looked at the clock on the wall in front of him. He had to hurry.

"You didn't touch her right?" Marvin asked, eying the bag of groceries again.

"Not yet, Mike won't let me. I'm sure that if I am on his good side, he will let me snack on her once in a while..."

Marvin shook his head, "I don't know. Mike was adamant that she is worth a lot of money. Especially since he got money from that hacker already."

"Why are you just standing there? Shouldn't you be going to Mike?" Ronan asked Poke with a hint of annoyance.

Poke tried to act as cool as possible, even though his forehead started to sweat.

"Yeah but, before that, I wanted to tell you guys that I think I saw someone outside-"

Ronan stood up, seemingly very pissed off. "And you dimwit just tell us now? You should have said something sooner!" He rubbed the tip of his cigarette on the table.

"I-I wasn't sure, but I thought I better tell someone..."

"Probably the man without a face," Marvin mumbled before putting on his jacket.

"Yeah or someone who wants to play a prank on us. I tell you, if I catch that guy who made me scrub that door for two hours in the cold, I'm gonna make him drink the water from my piss pond outside."

The three hurried, passing a hallway and going outside through the door that was marked by the sign with the raven. Poke glanced at it, the sign was gone, but there were still bits of red color here and there.

"Well? Where did you see someone?" Ronan looked around in the darkness.

"Right there," Poke pointed to a direction in which the woods are the thickest.

Ronan and Marvin marched where Poke pointed and used their flashlights to navigate through the forest. Poke looked back, and he saw they were far enough from the hideout. He couldn't even see the building, only the lights were visible.

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