Chapter 35: Team Hawkins

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Two hours ago, at Hannah's place:

"I trust you can fulfill your task?" Jake who was now looking paler, gave Phil a smartphone that has a moving dot located on a map that entailed Duskwood, and its surrounding towns.

"Are you mocking me? I will make sure he will even serenade for us," Phil snorted as he grabbed the phone, his eyes fell on the screen for a moment, making sure the dot was still visible on the map even though it was now on its way to Duskwood.

Jake nodded before rubbing his temples. "Make sure you don't go overboard... remember, it is crucial that he cooperates with us."

"And you think we three are enough for this task?" Thomas looked at Phil and then at Jessy.

"It's more than suffice, I know you three can do it," and with that Jake slumped on the couch, closing his eyes.

It was obvious that the discussion was over.

"Well, you heard the hacker, enough chit-chatting, time for some action now," Phil turned around and left Hannah's apartment, followed by Thomas and Jessy.

"You talk like as if we are going to get just pizza, and not kidnapping and interrogating a man," Thomas mumbled as they approached Phil's car.

Phil smirked, "Oh Thomas, a little more confidence in ourselves, would you? It's not like he's an innocent man."

"And how do you propose are we going to 'interrogate' him?" Thomas raised an eyebrow, using his fingers to make air quotes.

Phil opened the trunk of his car and took out a long and smooth wooden object. "Simple," he said as he examined his baseball bat giving it a couple of rotating swings. "We follow him since we can easily find his location via the app on this phone Jake provided us. We knock him unconscious, bind him, and bring him to my bar. Then we just poke him a bit... a threat here, a smack there... and if that doesn't work out, I still have an ace up my sleeve," Phil was now grinning ear to ear, making Thomas uncomfortable.

On top of that, Jessy seemed totally on board with her older brother's idea.

"I can knock him out!" she grabbed the bat and swung it around with full force, showing how pissed off she is, narrowly missing Thomas who jumped away.

"Easy sister dear. We need his brain intact," Phil gently took the bat from Jessy.

Thomas felt a chill down his spine. He put on his beanie before the three looked at the street in front of them with determination in their eyes where their target will inevitably arrive soon.

"Team Hawkins is ready to go."

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