Chapter 3: Phil

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I head to the motel, where Lilly was working. Thanks to the map Jake sent to me during our investigation, I was able to find the way without a problem.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. Oh my God, I haven't been here for five minutes, and someone is probably already smelling I am in Duskwood! I picked up the call.


"My Goddess... my savior," came a male voice.

I stopped and furrowed my brows.

"Ehm... Phil?" I asked perplexed.

"Yes, that's me," came the reply.

"Oh hello," I couldn't help but to feel disappointed. Not really the person I was hoping to first talk in Duskwood.

"Alan told me everything. Thanks to you, I was released from the police station a week ago. Sorry I couldn't call you sooner, I was swarmed with work once I opened the Aurora. I have somewhat become a celebrity because I was innocently tied to multiple cases, and of course everyone wanted to interview and ask me about it. I must say, business has never been better," Phil continued with excitement in his voice.

I became a bit impatient; it was starting to rain, and I still had to walk six minutes to the motel.

"Oh, okay, I am happy for you, Phil," I said, trying to head towards the end of this conversation.

"Look... I owe you. I owe you big time, so I was thinking..." Phil seemed suddenly uncharacteristically nervous. "How about you come to the Aurora? I need to personally thank you. All drinks will be on the house."

"Yeah, sure, I will think about it," I said when suddenly the town's bell started to ring.

"Wait a minute... are you in Duskwood?!" Phil asked in disbelief.

I looked confused. "How did you know?" I asked.

"The towns bells... I would recognize them anywhere," Phil said. I could feel him grinning from ear to ear. "So you can come? How about tonight?"

I could have slapped myself, great, now he knows.

"Under one condition," I replied. "You don't tell a soul that I am here."

"Sure," he said. "Don't forget to come! How about eight pm?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright..." he trailed off. I waited for him to continue.

"Are you free right now?"


"I mean, if you are free, I could come and show you Duskwood around."

I bit my lips as I was looking around. "Thank you, Phil, but I have to meet Alan Bloomgate in an hour. I have to go to the police station and-"

"Where are you staying today?" he immediately asked.

"At the Duskwood Motel, why?"

"I will pick you up, don't argue with me. I will bring you to the police station on time. See ya," and with that Phil closed the call, making me look at my screen in disbelief.

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