Chapter 27: Jake Part 6

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No... please don't.

What color is your hair?

No, please, please don't.

I find you fascinating as well.

Anything but her, please.

Who you gonna call? 👻

Just be safe, and I accept everything, my capture, my downfall, anything I deserve.

Thank you for caring about me. // You like me, don't you? // I missed you so much // How about a simple "thank you"? // That was pretty impressive just now // Jake! // We are an awesome team // Are you jealous? // You know, I like you //

I slowed down when I reached the spot where her phone must be. My heart dropped, and I tried to fight back tears as I leaned on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I heard Lilly running behind me, soon coming to a stop as well.


I couldn't sleep. It was too cold, too dark where I was hiding. I have stopped my research for a while now since I have been awake for almost twenty hours. My body felt tired, yet my mind was as restless as a factory that never shuts down. My headache, a result of my insomnia, felt as if it was splitting my head. I had no sleep pills left, and it was too risky to go outside to a pharmacy. I clenched my fists in despair.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind and I grabbed my phone. I put a couple of commands on NYM-0S, the program I have installed on Lia's phone for her own safety, yet tonight, at eight pm, I activated it for a purely selfish reason, but my own despair has forced my hands to do so.

I activated the mic and listened to the sounds that were captured by Lia's phone. She was painting, I could hear the sound of her brushes touching the canvas. Lia was humming that song. The one song I only knew about since I have been spying on her. Her voice was soft and gentle.

"I love you 'till the end of time..." I heard her whispering. My body relaxed.

"I would wait a million years..." My eyelids became heavy.

She was humming the tune again, and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too Lia, more than you could have ever known," I whispered back as I held the phone as if it was her hand.

I heard her stop painting and humming. Her sudden stop made my heartbeat fast, and I heard a faint, "Jake?"

I smiled. It's impossible for her to hear or feel me, there is no way she could have known that I was listening and talking to her. She resumed painting again, and I finally fell asleep.


I slowly walked to the bushes and on the grass in the dark, with a shattered screen, did I find her phone.

I picked it up and clutched the phone to my chest, unable to stop myself from sobbing. Lilly gasped when she saw what I was holding, and then she went through the bushes, seemingly seeing something. I followed her with my eyes when she bent down and picked something big up. My stomach dropped.

"No!" I screamed.

It was Lia's backpack.

I love you too, Jake.

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