Chapter 53: Argument

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"You..." Alan gasped. "You are the hacker everyone has been looking for. Jake."

"Jake no..." Lilly pleaded.

Phil tried to get Alan's attention by struggling.

"What are you talking about Jake? You did nothing but plan and stay behind your fancy computers. I did all the dirty work, remember?"

Alan glanced at Phil. "I think we can all discuss this in the station."

"Go back to your fucking computers, sit on your ass, and do your fucking job," Phil glared at Jake. Then he mouthed only you can save her.

"No," Jake refused and still with his hands in his pockets.

"Don't play the hero here Jake, you are no use to me or her if you are behind bars. Let the real man go behind bars just so you stay behind screens where you can do shit," now Phil was gritting his teeth.

"No," Jake still refused.

Phil reached his limit and pulled himself suddenly away from Alan, his hands still handcuffed behind his back, walking towards Jake with fury in his eyes.

"Now you listen to me Jake, I didn't go through all of this, just so you can end up behind bars. Stop playing the hero!"

"Same goes for you," Jake remained calm even when Phil was glaring at him, his face only inches away from Jake's before Alan pulled him away from the hacker.

"You are all arrested," Alan groaned in a feeble attempt to control the situation.

"God damn you, Jake!" Phil kicked a chair. "I fucking hate you!"

"The feeling is mutual."

Poke saw the plate of fries and fished out a couple, as he watched the two men fighting.

"How could you do this?! After what I did? Getting my hands dirty, lending you my entire savings, doing all your stupid demands, I did all of this for Lia, and now you don't want to do the only thing you can do to save her? How low can you stoop?! I love her! I love her and you used that!"

Phil could hear gasps around him, but he didn't care.

"I love her too," Jake said, the cold in his voice suddenly vanished, and the warmth came back.

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too," Jake replied.

Another round of gasps and even Poke stopped eating.

"Okay enough. You two, be quiet. You are ALL arrested, including you Jake," Alan took out his phone and was going to call for backup when he suddenly realized there was an image of an eye on his phone's screen.

"What in the-"

"I won't let you call for back up Alan. In fact, I won't let you do anything until you and I have a talk. Eye to eye. Alone," Jake said still with a calm voice as if he wasn't threatening a police chief.

"Yeah? And you think you can stop me?" Alan said, with a dangerous tone in his voice as if Jake just stepped over a line he shouldn't have.

"Yes," Jake said, holding up his own phone which had the exact same image. "In fact, I think I can."

Alan looked at Jake's phone and then at his. He closed his eyes, contemplating for a moment, before opening them. Then he handcuffed Phil to an iron bar that was drilled shut to a wall, where people hang their jackets.

"Nobody moves," Alan threatened, before following Jake to a private room, Phil's office.

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