Chapter 9: Blue Jeans

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We walked outside and it started to become chilly. I rubbed my shoulder and suddenly felt exhausted. The stress and anxiety are claiming its tribute. Phil wrapped an arm around my shoulder. It felt very comfortable. I couldn't help but to enjoy it.

But it's so wrong. I love Jake more than anything, then why do I let Phil do these small gestures for me? Do I even like him?

I looked up for a second and meet his black eyes. He smiled, and I immediately looked away, making him chuckle. I admit to myself that Phil doesn't look so bad, but he couldn't hold a candle to Jake. Even though I have no idea how Jake looks like. I realized that sounded very ironic.

Suddenly, Phil was bumped roughly by someone who passed us by. Phil let go of me and I looked at the person who was wearing a black hoodie, now walking away from us to the opposite direction.

"Hey! Watch out where you are walking, man!" yelled Phil while rubbing his shoulder.

I watched the person disappear after turning into a corner. I looked back at Phil. "Are you okay?" I genuinely asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, probably just a drunk," Phil said smiling, but still showing signs of pain as he rubbed his shoulder and moving it in circles.

I continued walking with Phil as we continued through the streets of the marketplace. There was a bridge with a nice stream underneath it. The surrounding lamps looked beautiful. We approached the bridge. The sound of water and the lights soothed my soul for a moment. I couldn't help but to breathe out a sigh of relief. I leaned on the bridge to enjoy the view for a moment.

"I have to go back to the Aurora soon," Phil said after looking at his phone, then he joined me on watching the stream, standing right next to me. I could smell a faint smell of his aftershave. I wonder how Jake smells...

I heard laughter coming to my right, and I turned around, seeing a young couple walking hand in hand. The boyfriend had black hair. I looked away. Could that be Jake? Yes... no... yes... no...

As I was deep in my thoughts, I only noticed too late that Phil leaning closer to me. I blinked in confusion because, at first, I have no idea what to do. I felt like a deer in headlights.

"You are very beautiful, Lia," whispered Phil.

I couldn't help but to blush into a deep shade of red, only because right that moment I did something unspeakable. I imagined Jake whispering that to me. Phil had black hair, after all.

That was not fair towards Phil nor was it healthy for me, so I tried to downplay the atmosphere.

"Haha don't joke around Phil," I watched the streams.

"I don't joke Lia, I have met many women, day and night, for short or longer time, but no one like you," he was dangerously close, way too close to make this out as a joke.

I could feel breath on me, he faintly smelled like red wine he drank in the burger place. I couldn't help but to close my eyes.

Suddenly, from afar, I heard Lana del Rey's song Blue Jeans. The song snapped me from my daze, and I pushed Phil gently. I had to calm my breath before I looked up. Phil had a sad look in his eyes, and I couldn't help but look sad myself.

"I'm sorry, Phil..." was all that I could say.

Phil shook his head and then stroked my shoulders and placed a kiss on top of my head. "Don't apologize," he whispered. "This just shows you are true to yourself and... to that lucky son of bitch that captured your heart. Whoever that is," he added with an icy tone.

We stood in silence for a moment before Phil let go of me. "Well, I gotta go now to the Aurora, you will still come later right? I still want you to try out my drinks," he winked.

I rolled my eyes and just nodded, "sure Phil, I will come later."

He nodded, then he walked past me in the direction of his bar. I watched him going away, and then I leaned against the bridge again, watching the stream, lost deep in my thoughts.

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