Chapter 13: Painting

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I laid on my bed for a while, feeling empty. The pain consumed me and everything I could feel. I got up because I felt my throat was dry from all the crying. I got myself a glass of water.

I washed my face and combed my messy hair. Then I went to the desk to write a note for the gate of hope to auction my painting and to use the money to help others. I taped the note to the painting. Then I grabbed my backpack and put my all of my belongings in.

After I was done fixing my appearance, I didn't waste time and started packing my things, afterwards I went to the front desk. Thankfully, no one was there. I put the key card and a note, that says I went home, on the desk. Then I went out the door, heading to the church to put the painting where I knew the members of gates of hope would usually meet up.

I passed by people, but I hardly pay any attention to my surroundings. I passed the bridge where Phil almost kissed me, reminding me that he was probably waiting for me. Guilt washed over me for not at least saying goodbye, but I was determined to put everything about Duskwood behind me, Phil included. Still, from all the people in Duskwood, aside of Alan, he acknowledged my sacrifices.

I was deep in my thoughts, thinking about my situation. I had to let go, I cannot cling to false hope and illusions. I was very hurt, but the more I remember how happy and well they are, the more I accepted my fate.

They are doing alright and are happy together, that is all that should matter. There was simply no room for me. It was just not meant to be.

The streets were emptier now, the more I walked towards the church. I could see no signs of any person around me. Usually that would make me feel at the edge, but right now I didn't care. I want to go home, and the last train leaving Duskwood comes in an hour. Before then, I want to be at the train station.

I reached the building of the gates of hope. I saw posters of upcoming events and other information plastered on the door. I didn't waste any time and left the painting there.

I let out a deep sigh. This was the last thing I could do. Now there is nothing left for me here, and I can finally go home. For my own mental health, I have to close the chapter of Duskwood for good.

I turned around and left the church, heading alone towards the train station. As I was going through a very dim lit area, I could hear a couple of footsteps behind me. I was too sad and too exhausted to pay any attention to my surroundings. Only when I suddenly hear the footsteps starting to sprint, did I turn around.

Someone pressed a cloth to my face, and I immediately went into fighting mode. I raised my hand and tried to scratch the person's face. They cursed, and I fell, then they got on top of me and pressed the cloth again. I tried to struggle, but my body became limp.

The last thought I had before I lost consciousness was that no one will miss me or realize that I was gone...

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