Chapter 49: Table

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The door to the bar opened, and Cleo along with Dan and Alan walked in. The three of them looked around for anyone who was there, but it was eerily quiet. They then heard footsteps approaching, and Phil came out of his office, then went to greet them.

"Alan," he nodded, still acting very reserved after being held in jail despite his innocence. It was Alan who handcuffed him in front of his guests after all.

"Phil Hawkins," Alan nodded back. "I have been summoned by your friends to a private meeting, and they have repeatedly made sure that I know that it's "urgent". I hope it is because I have a meeting with the mayor soon which I cannot afford to miss."

Instead of cutting to the chase, Phil tried to stall for some time.

"Can I offer you anything? Whiskey? On the rocks? I got a fine Irish edition just last week-"

"No alcohol, thank you, but a cup of coffee would be nice."

"That's too bad," Phil said as he took a porcelain cup and put it on his espresso machine.

"Maybe next time," Alan took off his jacket and raised an eyebrow as he saw the rest of the group already sitting around the biggest table in the bar in the furthest corner, on the couch on which Jessy was sleeping just minutes ago. The red-haired girl tried to hide a yawn.

"Is it too rude to ask for something to eat? I just lost my lunch before I got here," Alan asked as he was still unsure where to sit. Behind him, Cleo and Dan looked at the group as they were wondering what the meaning of the early summon was.

"No not at all, if you want, you can sit... with my "friends" and I can make you a quick club sandwich," Phil gestured to the biggest table.

"Excellent," Alan took off his gloves and placed himself on the table, facing the young group.

Cleo and Dan followed behind, and Cleo mouthed, what's going on? She couldn't find either Jake or Richy and that just made her feel more worried.

Jessy mouthed back that she has no idea.

Cleo took a chair away, so Dan can be placed with his wheelchair at the end of the table. She then sat beside Thomas, trying to squeeze into the couch on which Jessy, Hannah, and Lilly were already sitting. She noted that Thomas' hands were a bit shaking as he tried to take a sip from his mineral water.

"You all look like someone got kidnapped again," Alan joked.

Thomas choked on his water and Lilly had to pat his back. Hannah looked pale again. Alan furrowed his brows until Phil came and placed a cup of Café Crème in front of the police chief.

"I ran away from the hospital," Dan said out of the blue.

"Really now?" Alan didn't touch the sugar and just took a sip.

"Then I guess you set an example for your friend?"

"Which friend?" Dan asked perplexed.

"The one who runs Roger's Garage? Can you imagine how I felt after I got a frantic call from the nurse – the same nurse who called me after YOU disappeared, I must say? You know, after Hannah's disappearance, people here in Duskwood don't take it so lightly when someone suddenly vanished. The amount of calls I got has skyrocketed. Good thing is, his father could confirm to me that he just ran away from the hospital, to visit a friend. I still haven't got the chance to ask him about his shot wound. If you see him, can you tell him to come to the station? Of course, we can talk over a cup of coffee, even though it is not as good as this one," Alan smiled.

"Yeah, sure," Dan smiled back, although a bit forced, and he immediately texted Lilly under the table.

Where the fuck is crow boy? – Dan

I don't know, he suddenly had something to do. Can't reach him. It's like he has no signal, my messages haven't gotten through – Lilly

That's just great – Dan

And Jake? – Dan

Not now – Lilly

Everyone went silent, and Alan just enjoyed his coffee until Phil came with a big plate of club sandwiches and fresh French fries. The smell made everyone else, especially Thomas' mouth water, and his stomach started to rumble.

"It's on the house," Phil said.

"That's very generous of you, considering what happened before," Alan said, but he didn't decline the offer as he took out his cutleries that were rolled up in a nice dark red napkin.

"And us?" Thomas asked as he looked at Phil.

"You can exercise your way to the next pizza place," the bartender said before turning around and leaving the group to close the kitchen. Thomas' shoulders slumped, and his stomach rumbled again. To everyone's surprise, Phil came back with a big plate of French fries, sliced baguette bread with various dips, and placed it in the middle of the table. The friends eyed each other before sheepishly taking some to eat, before muttering thank-yous to Phil. They all have been very hungry.

The group went silent while everyone was eating, Phil was the only one who sat down with a cup of espresso in front of him. Alan ate his lunch quietly before talking about the elephant in the room.

"Now can anyone please explain to me why I have been asked to come here?"

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