Part 1

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"So, how was that for your first day?"The redheaded girl you met on your first lecture, Wanda, asked you. Currently, you were having a pause in between classes and you two used it to grab a quick bite.

"It was fine." You shrugged as you looked at the students coming in, or out of the building.

"Did you like the professors?" She asked again, making you nod.

"Yeah. They're okay. I liked Mr. Banner. He seems smart, and his class is fun, too." Wanda eyed you, wrapping her hand above your elbow and gently pulling you to her side.

"Wait until you meet the real deal here." She winked at you. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at the girl.


"Mr. Stark, the hottest man here."She winked at you. "We both have lectures with him today. It's my first in this year, too. He's everybody's favorite."

"Really?"You eyed Wanda, who looked too excited for that lecture.

"Yes. His father is Howard Stark, the CEO of Stark Industries, they hire the best graduates from this university every year. People here are already taking it seriously and, believe me when I say, they're fighting over the spots in that company. But the professor..." She gave you a knowing look. "He's also super smart... and hot. You'll like him."

You shrugged as you wiped your hands. "We'll see. Professor Banner is my favorite for now."

"Trust me, that's about to change."

You gave Wanda a small chuckle."I need to go to the toilet. Meet you in the cabinet?"

"I'll save you a seat."Wanda nodded and walked off, while you took a turn to the toilet.

A few minutes passed, and you were washing your hands when a blonde girl showed up behind you, applying lipstick to her lips.

"You're the new girl, aren't you?" She asked out of nowhere, making you look at her reflection in the mirror, only to find her looking at you already.


"And you're already hanging out with people like Maximoff?" She asked you, making your eyebrows furrow.

"You mean Wanda? Is there something wrong with her?"You asked the girl who shrugged. Meanwhile, you turned off the water and wiped your hands, after which you threw the paper in the bin.

"No. If you wanna hang out with losers, that is." She said, making you bite down on your tongue, trying hard not to insult her on your first day there."If you want to hang out with more popular people, and people who matter around here, then I'm Cindy. Nice to meet you."She offered you her hand for a hand shake while moving her long, blonde hair with the other. You looked down at her hand, then slowly looked back up to her eyes.

"Y/N."You finally said, accepting her hand shake.

Her lips curved into a smile as she looked you up and down. "I heard about your... reputation. It'd be a shame if you hang out with Wanda instead of me and my girls. We can offer you more than she does." She smiled sweetly at you and it took every ounce of self control you had not to roll your eyes. You knew the type of girl she was.

"Right. I'll keep that in mind, Cindy."You smiled back at her.

"Right. I need to go now, I have a lecture with Mr. Stark. He's so hot, you know, I have to make sure he notices me this year." She took one more look at the mirror and wiped the lipstick off the corners of her mouth. "Think about my offer."Was the final thing she said before she stepped out of the toilet.

You rolled your eyes and checked yourself in the mirror before you left.

When you walked into a large room where the lecture was supposed to be held, your eyes locked with Wanda's, and she shot you a smile. The seat next to her was empty, so you walked towards her and took it, avoiding Cindy's glare.

"It's about to start!" Wanda whispered to you excitedly, while you gave her a weird look.

The door opened and, immediately, all of the talking in the room died down. You were looking down at the notebook in front of you, and only looked up when you heard Wanda sigh.

You were met with the sight of a man that just walked into the room. His chocolate brown eyes scanned across the room, looking at each student. He had fluffy brown locks, that fit his luxurious look. The black goatee framed around his chin. Your eyes scanned down to the rest of his body, to see he was wearing a black, leather jacket. Under it, he had a black shirt and a pair of black pants. You followed his movements as he walked to the desk in the front of the room.

He took off his leather jacket and draped it across the chair, and you saw huge biceps popping out, almost tearing the long sleeves of his black shirt.

"Oh, someone's been working out."Wanda smirked, her face blushed and she had to use the papers she had in front of herself to cool down. You looked around, only to see every girl had the same reaction.

"Since, uh, when?" You heard someone behind you ask when they saw the huge muscles on the man's arms.

He looked like he wasn't a professor, least of all a physics and engineering professor.

And who said engineers and physicists can't be hot? That man is a work of art.

You rolled your eyes at the voice inside of your head.

He's your professor. You can't have those thoughts about him.

"Good morning, class!" He clasped his hands together, walking around to the front of his table. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up when he spoke. He was sitting on the table, looking at the class. "I've emailed you all about the syllabus. I was also notified we have a new student in class." He looked around the room and saw you raised your hand. His gaze stopped on you, and his serious face spread in a grin. He looked at you, and it made your cheeks  burn in some unknown feeling. "Y/N, wasn't it?"

"Yes." You answered him, ignoring Wanda wiggling her eyebrows at you.

"Well, I hope you'll fit in here, Y/N. My name is Anthony Stark." He said and shot you a small smile before he jumped down from the table and clasped his hands together, again."Right. I hope you guys got rest over the holidays, because this year you'll have to work even more."He said, making groans from every student ring out through the room."Hey, don't be so disappointed, at least this is your last year and we won't have to look at each other anymore. Seriously you guys, I have had enough of you."That caused laughter to ring out through the room, which made the man in front smirk as well.

"You love us, Professor!" Someone shouted from the back and Tony nodded.

"I do. But we won't have only one class together this year. " He looked over at one of the tables in front and saw a book one of the boys had. He picked it up and looked it over. "This? You can throw this away. We're doing things my way. Welcome to the electricity and magnetism course. I have prepared your projects... "

And that was when you tuned out. You couldn't realize what he was saying, too focused on his deep voice and how his hands moved while he was explaining what literature you will need for doing your projects.

Maybe Wanda was right, you thought. The man certainly looked hot. Still, you couldn't shake off the other small voice in your head telling you to get yourself together and that he's your professor.

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