Part 10

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You woke up early in the morning and sat down in the living room with a cup of coffee when your phone rang

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You woke up early in the morning and sat down in the living room with a cup of coffee when your phone rang.
Confused, you reached over to grab it off the table and saw a message.

"I'm waiting for you in front. Don't be late. -T "

Your eyes widened as you realized you were supposed to go with Tony and see the venue today. You completely forgot about it. After texting Tony to come up, you went to your bedroom and quickly picked out clothes for yourself before the doorbell rang.

You opened the door and came face to face with Tony.

"Well, if it's not my favorite student."He said with a slight smirk.

"Come in." You said, stepping aside.

"Nice apartment you got here."He looked around the living room before looking back at you.

"How do you have my number?" You asked him.

"That's a long story. Now are you going to check out the venue in your pajamas?" He asked, gesturing at the crop top and sleeping shorts you were wearing.

"Of course not. I'll go and change, wait for me here." You said.

After you left Tony in the living room and made your way into your bedroom, you changed in a pair of jeans and a shirt before you came back in the living room, seeing Tony by the window. He was looking out at the city.

As soon as he heard footsteps, he turned around and smiled. "All done?"

"Let's get going." You replied and grabbed your purse.

Tony stood next to you, arms crossed over his chest, as you locked the front door. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Thank you." You replied before walking into the elevator.

"Acting a bit cold today, aren't you?"He asked as he walked in after you.

"I don't know what to tell you, Mr. Stark." You leaned against the wall of the elevator as you looked at him. "If you had a different approach, maybe then we wouldn't be spending this time in awkward silence."

"How much longer are you gonna punish me for that?"

"Until I'm sure you changed." You answered just as the elevator stopped.

Only when you were in the car, Tony spoke up again. "You could've dropped my class, but you didn't. Why?"

You shrugged as you looked out the window. "It's not because of you."

"Then why?"

"The dean told me you said we already sorted out our issues. If I told him anything different, he'd call my dad. And trust me, you don't want to deal with him."

"So, you were protecting me?" He asked as he made a turn with his car.

"I don't want to prove your point of having my dad deal with my problems."

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now