Part 26

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It was a few days later after the break up

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It was a few days later after the break up. You tried to call Tony and you texted him numerous times, but he wasn't replying. Eventually, you just stopped trying.

Tony walked into the hall, his gaze immediately falling on your seat, which was now empty. He was relieved you weren't there. He couldn't take looking at you without thinking he'd take you in his arms and apologize for his stupid way of "handling things".

After the lesson, he noticed his assistant, Curtis pull Wanda aside. She looked confused when Curtis spoke up, but Tony couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"You... you want to know why Y/N isn't here?" Wanda said quietly, staring at him.

"Yes. Miss Y/L/N did not show up to any other professor's lectures, not only Mr. Stark's. She seemed to be the closest to you. Do you know what happened to her?" He explained.

"I think she's just sick. That's what she told me." Wanda replied.

The boy nodded, telling Wanda she can go now.

That night, you had to go and get groceries for yourself in the store close to your apartment.

You turned the corner in the store, about to get some ice cream for yourself, when you almost bumped into someone.

"Woah there!"The deep, male voice said.

"I'm so sorry, I-" You trailed off when you looked up at the person and saw who it was. It was Tony's assistant.

"Miss Y/L/N, right?" He asked.


"How strange it is that we run into each other here?" He asked, chuckling to himself.

You forced yourself to laugh along."Very strange."

"How are you?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Miss Maximoff said you're sick." He explained. "That's why you didn't show up to university."

"Oh." You blinked in realization. "It's getting better."

"Do you need any help-"

"Sorry, pal, she's with me." A hand wrapped around your shoulders and you heard a familiar male voice.

You looked up, only to see Andrew, who winked at you before he looked at Curtis with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course." He only smiled at you."See you."

And he was gone. You turned to Andrew, who glared at the boy's retreating figure. "Was he bothering you?"

"You could say so." You shrugged.

"You looked uncomfortable, I had to step in."

"How... What are you doing here?"

Andrew pinched your cheek, smiling down at you. "You're so cute. I had to visit my best friend, I can't let you go through a break up all by yourself. Besides, I broke up with my girlfriend as well, like a week ago."

"How do you know about my... " You trailed off again when you realized who told him about Tony.

"Shelley." You both said together.

"Who else would it be?"You added."But what are you doing here?"

"I stopped to get a bottle of wine." He replied before grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards the shelves with wine. "Come on, we need to get drunk and forget about them."

Two hours later, you and Andrew were sat on the couch in your living room, both very tipsy, as you watched a comedy show playing on the TV.

Andrew let out a giggle, which made you look at him. "Do... Do you think penguins have knees?"

"Oh God", you sat up on the couch, almost slipping as you did so, "How did we end up here?"

Andrew looked at you with a large grin on his face. "Do you wanna answer that?"

"No, ask me something else."

"So, this boyfriend of yours. Was he the guy I saw you with at Shelley's party?" Andrew raised his eyebrow at you, expecting you to answer him.

You blinked. "Yes, penguins do have knees."

"Oh, come on, that's not fair!" Andrew complained. "I wanna know."


"Cause he was hot. If he was the one, then lucky you."

"Yeah, lucky me." You rolled your eyes before taking another sip of the wine from your glass.

It was silent for a few minutes and Andrew looked down at you, only to see you were asleep on the couch, lips parted open and your hair covering half of your face.

"Oh, you can not handle alcohol." He mumbled out before taking your glass of wine and downing it.

Two days later, you decided it was finally time for you to stop avoiding Tony and show up for the lectures. As soon as he showed up, entering the room, your body froze in place and it felt suffocating to be in the same room as him, to be so close to him yet be unable to do anything about it.

He saw you out of the corner of his eye, but pretended he didn't. He kept telling himself it would be easier if he ignored you.

That was how the whole hour passed. He didn't look at you for even one time.

However, as you were leaving the room with Wanda, he had to. Curtis had stopped you both again, now speaking loud enough so Tony could hear. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Miss Y/L/N. Seems like your boyfriend did a great job of helping you."

"My boyfriend?" You asked, confused. That caught Tony's attention and he carefully watched the whole interaction.

"Yes, the guy I saw you with at the store." He said, and you turned towards Tony, whose jaw was clenched in anger as he looked at you.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now