Part 29

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Curtis was sat in the waiting room of the hospital as you were examined by the doctors. The time was passing slowly. He stared at the floor as his mind was racing with different possibilities, thinking of what he should do. He liked you... no, he was obsessed by you since the first time he saw you in the room full of students. He'd do whatever was necessary for you to finally notice him and give him a chance.

He looked up when the door opened and you walked out, your wrist wrapped in a bandage. He got up from the chair and waited until you approached him. "What did they say? Is it bad?"

"It's sprained." You replied. "It's nothing bad, it should heal quickly."

"Oh." He said and looked at your eyes, suddenly captivated by them. He stood there in silence, just staring at you. He didn't react when you called out for him, but snapped from his thoughts when you waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Sorry, I was thinking about something. What were you saying?"

You held up your car keys and smiled at him. "Can you take me home? I would drive, but my wrist still hurts."

"Of course." He replied, taking the keys from you.

The drive was spent in silence. You could notice the change in Curtis' behavior, but you didn't want to push it and ask him what was happening. The whole time, he stared at the road while his jaw clenched and his hands gripped the steering wheel.

You looked at him as he made a turn to the street you lived in, finding it weird he didn't ask you for directions.

He even parked in front of your building.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Y/N." He said, making you look at him and give him a forced smile. You just wanted to be out of the damn car already and away from him.

"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about it."You replied. "Won't you drive home first?"

He shook his head. "I can walk, I live close to you."

"Okay then, see you tomorrow-" You were about to open the door when Curtis pressed a button on the driver's side to lock the car, stopping you from leaving. You could feel your heart drop to your stomach and you slowly turned to look at the boy, whose eyes held an insane glow inside them. It looked even more scary illuminated by the street lights. "What are you doing?"

"Why don't we have a nice, little chat first?" He asked, smiling at you.

"You're scaring me. Unlock the door."You slowly said, as if that would make any difference. "Please."

"Not until we talk." He said.

"About what?"

"About your relationship with your professor, Mr. Stark."

Your lips parted open in surprise, but you knew you had to stay calm and collected because the boy was watching your every expression."What are you talking about? Me and Mr. Stark?"

He harshly pulled you by your healthy wrist until you were face to face with him. You could feel his breath on your face and you almost cried out. "Don't act stupid now, Y/N. I have pictures to prove it."

With his other hand, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and entered the photo gallery. He pushed the phone into your hand and made you look at the pictures of Tony waiting for you in front of your building. A gasp left your lips. That explained why he didn't ask for directions and why you felt watched the last couple of days. He was stalking you.

"There are more." He said, making you scroll through the pictures of you walking out of the building, hugging and kissing Tony. You were surprised to see even more pictures of the two of you after that one. They were from all dates you went to, as well as pictures of you and Tony going to Rhodey and Shelley's new place."Do you admit it now?"He asked, grabbing the phone out of your hand. "I got audios to prove it, too. You two weren't exactly careful, sneaking around campus."

"What do you want from me?" You cried out and he grabbed you again, pulling you towards himself.

"What I want? What I want? Is it really that hard to understand? I want you to stay away from Stark. No more texts, no more calls, dates, anything!"He said. "If I can't have you, then neither can he."

"Why are you doing this?" You asked him, and it seemed like that got him even more angry at you.

"Isn't it obvious by now? I like you and I can't do anything about it because you like that old-"

"And this is your way of making me notice you?" You asked.

"None of my attempts got your attention. You only had eyes for him. And he keeps hurting you over and over again. What do you even see in him?"

"Curtis, listen to me. Don't do this please, I'll be with you if that's what it takes, just please delete the evidence and-"

"Oh, no no no." He chuckled to himself. "I will never delete it. You hear me? You. Will. Stay. Away. From. Stark." He said. "I told you, no texts, no calls, nothing. I don't want to see you two together again, or I will send those pictures to the dean. It would be such a shame if he found out just a month before your graduation. Do you know what would happen? You would never graduate and Stark would be fired." He said. "So, follow my rules and no one gets hurt. Do you understand?" You let out a cry and he pulled on both of your wrists now, making you let out a pained scream."I asked do you understand?"

"Yes! Yes, I'll do what you said just please let me go."

"Good." He nodded approvingly and let go of you. "Just remember, you tell anybody of our little talk including Stark and both of you suffer the consequences. Your choice." He pressed the button again and the door unlocked. He tossed the car keys into your lap before he opened the door and disappeared in the dark night.

Meanwhile, Tony sat down on the couch, staring at his phone. He was expecting a text from you to at least tell him you're alright and that he had no reason to worry. An hour passed and he still didn't hear a word from you.

He walked to the kitchen and took a bottle of beer before he sat back down in the living room, eyes scanning over the phone screen, still expecting your message, but it never came. He had to admit he missed your little talks. You used to tell him about every little detail of your day, and not hearing from you was weird for Tony now. He didn't like the feeling, he just wanted things to be how they used to be before all of this happened.

But, he had to admit to himself that they will never be the same. He told you he can't be with you, and it was the truth. He was your professor and he couldn't help but think how his, and your family would react to knowing that fact, especially your father. He was sure he wouldn't be as understanding as he was the first time.

Two beers later, he still didn't hear from you, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.

You were getting ready for bed after washing your face with cold water, still trying to recover from the shock you were put in that night. You got into bed and put your phone on the nightstand. Not a minute later, you could hear the sound coming from it, indicating you got a text.

You opened it and saw it was from Tony.

"Hey, I just wanted to see how you're feeling. What did the doctors say?"

You let out a deep breath as you realized you can't answer him. You bit on your lip as you stared at his message until the phone locked itself. You put it back on the nightstand and turned away from it, trying to ignore the text that you wanted desperately to answer.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now