Part 2

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It was a few days later when Tony brought the list of students for the projects and you were paired with Wanda. Of course, since you were new and Wanda didn't pay much attention to the whole project, you had nowhere to do your research from.

You waited until the classroom emptied to approach Tony, who was typing something on his laptop.

"Um... Mr. Stark? Hi." You smiled at him when he looked up. There was something strange in his gaze."I wanted to ask you something."

He looked you up and down before leaning back in his chair, moving his gaze completely off the laptop and focusing on you."Yes, Miss Y/L/N?"

"I... I, uh, have a project with Wanda called particle-"

"- accelerators, yes." Tony nodded."For the electricity and magnetism class, right?"

You nodded, "Yes. Well, I just wanted to ask you is there any literature we can use?"

Tony looked you up and down again and smiled.

"Mr. Stark?" You asked, confused in what was going on.

"You know, I was called to the dean's office today." He said and you raised an eyebrow, not sure what that had to do with you."He told me we all should be careful around you, you know, help you in any way we can... turns out, your family is really important and your father pulled some strings here to make sure you don't fail even a single subject."

He watched as your lips parted in shock, and if he didn't know the type of people like you, he'd trust your act.

"I - I had no idea. I told him not to do anything-"

"See, the thing is, I don't believe you. I hate the people who think their father will solve all of their problems. This is real life." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest, making you raise an eyebrow. This man had some bad type of daddy issues. "The sooner you realize that, the better."

"With all due respect, sir, I had no idea my father did all of that. I'll have a talk with him, for sure."

Tony smirked as he watched you, like he didn't believe you. "Good. Otherwise, if you don't do a good job on this project, I'll make sure my classes will be the first ones you'll fail."

Your jaw clenched in anger and you took a deep breath, realizing that was exactly what the man in front of you wanted. Instead of being angry, you put on a small smile on your face."Understood."

"Now about the literature-"

"Keep it. I'll find it myself." You said and turned on your heel to walk out of the room, leaving Tony to stare at you in surprise. You were too stubborn, and proud, to accept his help now. "Have a good day."

As soon as you arrived to your apartment, you slammed the door closed and immediately pulled your phone out, dialing your father. You held your phone in hand as you walked around the apartment.

He answered and you could hear his rushed voice. "I only have a few minutes until my next meeting starts, better be quick, dear."

"Screw the meetings, what exactly did you tell the dean?"

"Sorry?" You could hear his confusion.

"I know you two had a talk about me. And I know you made sure I don't fail any subjects. Or to word it better, you paid him to make sure that doesn't happen."You said and heard him sigh.

"Honey, it's for your own good. I had to make sure-"

"Can't you trust me for once and see I can do this on my own? Without the unnecessary help?"

"How do you know about that? Did someone tell you about that?" He asked and you bit on your tongue when you went to mention Stark. He'd probably talk to the dean about him, and Stark would hate you even more.

"I... It doesn't matter now. I told you I wanted a fresh start, without your connections."

"Look, I'm sorry, but can this wait? I've got a really important meeting which can't wait. Can we talk tonight?"

You frowned, knowing he was just avoiding the question and you would never talk about it again."Okay. Bye."

"Bye."He ended the call quickly and you fell onto the couch with a sigh.

You knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. Your father would do the same thing throughout your whole life. He'd make sure you were at top of your classes in school, even though you were always a smart kid, or the best in your dance lessons, or even riding lessons. Hell, even your music lessons. No one believed in your skills because of him.

He'd do all of those things for you, just to make up for not being present in your life. Ever since you became aware of everything happening around you, you remember he was always preoccupied with meetings and work.

Your mother wasn't that much better. She would rather spend her time with friends going to tea parties, than spend it with you. That's why she had you attend all of those different activities, so you couldn't feel their absence in your life. You didn't have a free hour in your life, your every day was perfectly organized between those numerous, ridiculous activities.

Now, thanks to your father, Stark thought of you just as another rich, entitled girl. You opened your eyes and got up from the couch, going to the bedroom where a few unpacked boxes still laid on the floor. You sat down in front of them and opened the one containing your books from high school and the previous university. You were determined to prove Stark wrong.

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