Part 22

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The morning after, you walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, wearing another one of Tony's shirts

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The morning after, you walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, wearing another one of Tony's shirts. You found him in his office, grading papers and replying to emails. You bit your lip and leaned against the doorframe, watching him. He was shirtless and was wearing only his boxers. His hair was messy, but it still looked hot on him. He was holding a cigarette between his lips and a cup of coffee on his desk.

He noticed someone watching him and looked up, blowing out the smoke and smiling at you. You walked towards him when he gestured for you to approach him. He pushed his chair back, making enough place for you and he pulled you into his lap.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him as his hand drew patterns on your bare thigh.

"Just some work." He replied.

A frown formed on your own face when you saw his frustrated expression. You raised your hand and massaged in between his eyebrows with your fingers, making his face relax. The frown disappeared and he now looked at you. "What are you thinking about?"

Tony bit on his lip as he looked out of the window, thinking of whether he should tell you.

Finally, he opened his mouth."Quitting my job."

You gasped as your brain processed what he said. "What? But there's only two months left."

Tony nodded. "I know. It's just... this job isn't for me. Not anymore." He confessed, while you watched him carefully. "I can't do it anymore. After those two months are up, I think I'll just quit."

"What will you do after that?" You asked him.

He looked down at where his hand was moving over your thigh, occasionally reaching under his shirt on you that was too big for you. "My father suggested something."


"To take over the company. It's becoming harder for him with time. He's thinking of stepping down."

You lowered your head to place a kiss on his temple. "If you think that's the best option, go for it. Why would you still work somewhere where you're not happy?"

"I think I'll do it." He raised his gaze to look into your eyes, taking the cigarette between his lips. He grabbed your chin, holding you in place before he blew the smoke in your mouth, your lips dangerously close to each other's. Your eyed fluttered open, only to find Tony already looking down at you.

He smashed his lips on yours, still holding your face while squeezing on your thigh. You could taste the coffee he had earlier in the kiss. His tongue made its way into your mouth and you held onto him tightly as the kiss grew more heated.

It was an hour later, and Tony was about to go into the shower when he heard the sounds coming from your stomach, indicating you were hungry.

"Is someone hungry?" He asked, making you chuckle.

"Very hungry." You replied, pulling the sheets up to hide your naked body.

"You can take my phone and order us some food."He said. "I'll be out soon."

You agreed before he walked inside. You waited for some time after he went in, not wanting to leave his comfortable bed just yet. Eventually, you had to so you could grab his phone and come back to bed.

Just as you were about to order the food, a new message arrived to his phone.

It was from a person named Pepper. Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes read over the message. You knew you should respect his privacy, but it wasn't your fault the notification popped up at the same time you were about to order.

"Thank you for the yesterday night..."

And the message cut off. Your heart started to beat faster as you realized what that meant. You couldn't help it anymore and opened the message. She added "You were wonderful." at the end.

You saw they were texting before so your eyes quickly scanned over the messages.


Are you home tonight?

It was sent at 7 pm last night, and Tony replied a minute later.

"Yes. Hurry up, Y/N is gonna be here soon."

"What?" You whispered out, tears already forming in your eyes. What was this supposed to mean?

Deciding you had read enough, you locked his phone and left it on the bed before you quickly got up, pulling on your underwear and your dress from last night.

Tony walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later. "Hey, honey, did you or-" He cut himself off when he saw the empty bed. "Where are you?"

He waited for an answer, but it never came. He saw his phone was still on the bed so he picked it up to call you. As soon as he unlocked it, it became clear why you left. The screen was displaying messages from Pepper, and his eyes quickly scanned over them.

He realized what happened quickly, and his eyes squeezed shut, fighting the urge to throw the phone into the wall. "Shit!" He cursed out before quickly going to get dressed and follow you.

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