Part 19

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The doors to your room slammed closed after you and Tony got in, all while kissing

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The doors to your room slammed closed after you and Tony got in, all while kissing. Tony pinned you against the door, and pulled your shirt over your head before pulling the hair tie out of your hair, letting it fall down your back. His tongue licked over your lower lip, tasting the strawberry cocktail you had earlier. Your lips parted, letting Tony's tongue into your mouth.

Meanwhile, his hands slid down your back to your ass, and he squeezed your ass harshly. His hands disappeared under your skirt and he pushed your underwear down, letting it pool around your feet.

You felt his fingers on your clit and moaned in his mouth, making him smirk. He parted from the kiss and you felt his finger push inside you, making you gasp.

"You feel good, darling?"He asked against your neck as he kissed down it, his fingers exploring your body.

"Yes!" You whimpered out, trying to keep quiet even though no one else was in the house.

Apparently, you were too loud, because Tony placed his hand over your mouth. "Shh, we gotta be quiet, baby, or your parents will hear us. Can you stay quiet for me?" He asked and you nodded again.

He removed his hand from your mouth before he added his second finger inside you, all while he bit on your earlobe.

You would let out a loud moan, but you knew you had to be quiet now. To keep your sounds in, you bit down on your lower lip, so hard you could almost taste the blood in your mouth.

Tony smirked as he unhooked your bra and pulled it down your arms."God, you're so hot."

He removed his both fingers and placed them in his mouth to suck off your juices before his strong hands carried you over to the bed. He placed you down before grabbing your thighs and pulling you to the edge of the bed.

Tony took off his shirt and kneeled down in front of you. He spread apart your thighs and you propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at him. "Tony, you don't have to-"

"Quiet, sweetheart." He said before lowering his head and you felt gentle, slow licks on your clit. Your head fell back against the soft sheets and you placed your hand over your mouth to keep your moans in.

Tony looked up as his tongue swirled over your clit to look at you, smirking when he saw the state you were in.

His tongue lapped up all your juices, and you felt like you could cum only from the sounds coming from between your legs. As his tongue travelled down to your hole, he placed his hand on the skin of your lower stomach, thumb reaching down to play with your clit.

As his tongue pushed into you, you almost came right there and then. Your hands clenched down on the sheets as he fastened his pace.

"Tony... Tony... " You whimpered out, making sure you weren't too loud, but still loud enough to warn him you were getting close.

His goatee rubbed against your sensitive skin, and you were sure you were going to be sore from it. He mumbled something out against your skin, and your fingers tangled themselves in his hair, pressing him more against you as you came.

He kept eye contact with you as he licked up every single drop of your arousal. "Fuck." You whispered out as he straightened up, only to take off his clothes.

He pulled off your skirt as well before towering over you.

You felt his hard cock pressing against your inner thigh. He was already leaking precum from all the teasing.

"Ready, sweetheart?"He asked.

"Yes." You quickly answered.

He wrapped your legs around him and soon, you felt him push into you. Your back arched off the bed, while Tony's eyes closed, and he was biting down on his lip, trying to keep his own moans in.

"Fuck, you're so tight." He said, burying his head in your neck and you placed your hand in his hair, the other on his back as your naked bodies pressed against each other's.

"Keep doing that." You whispered in his ear as he started to go faster and harder, tip brushing against your cervix.

"Mhmm?" He looked down at you, letting out a quiet moan when your nails dug into his back, scratching the skin.

Your walls were starting to clench around him, driving him crazy. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt it, along with the feeling of your nails digging and scratching his back.

He pulled away from you only to grab a pillow and tap the side of your thigh."Lift your hips for me, sweetheart."

You did as he asked and he slid the pillow under your body, letting it rest under your lower back, so when he pushed into you at the new angle you both let out moans.

He started to pick up his old pace, and you were a moaning mess under him. His every thrust now hit your g-spot and you were almost crying from the pleasure.

Tony wasn't any better, he let out grunts every time he bottomed out inside of you and felt your walls clenching impossibly tight around him.

Your eyes squeezed shout and your lips parted open, letting out soft cries as you came. The intense pleasure made you see stars, and that was what sent Tony over the edge, too. He pulled out of you and came all over your chest and stomach.

He leaned forward, still towering above you, on his hands and tried to calm his breathing. He closed his eyes and felt your hands moving over his jaw.

When he opened his eyes again, he found you staring at him with a smile on your face as you caressed his cheeks.

"All good, sweetheart?"

You chuckled. "Better than good."

He pressed a kiss to the side of your head before he pulled away from you and walked into the bathroom. He returned with a wet towel and used it to wipe his cum off your body. When he was done, he discarded of it in the bathroom before he laid next to you on bed.

You felt his hands wrap around you and he pulled you to his side.

"You locked the room, right?" You asked.

"Yes." Tony replied. "Why?"

"Just asking." Tony looked down at you. "Can you stay here with me for a bit?"

"Of course I can." Tony said, pecking your lips a few times before returning to lay on the bed, letting you place your head on top of his chest and he grabbed your thigh, wrapping it around his hips.

He drew patterns with his fingers on your thigh, while you both were deep in thought. Eventually, your eyes closed and you feel asleep on top of him, along with Tony.

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