Part 35

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The next morning, as soon as you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of Tony laid in the bed next to you. He was already awake and watching you. His lips curved into a smile when he saw you were now awake."Good morning."

"Good morning." You replied, rolling onto your back and rubbing your eyes.

"Are you feeling better?" Tony asked you, and you turned your head to look at him.

"Yeah." You replied, giving him a small smile.

Before he could say anything more, he saw you were about to get up. You let out a laugh when his hand wrapped around your waist and he pulled you back to bed. "You didn't miss cuddling with me, huh?"

"Of course I did." You told him as he now pulled you closer until your back hit his chest and his strong hands were wrapped around you.

He placed a kiss on your head and laid back down. "You aren't going anywhere yet."

Tony let you leave the bed an hour later, and it was only because you wanted to take a shower. You were in the bathroom now, and the hot water was falling on your body and you were just standing there. Your head was full of different thoughts that all involved Curtis. Before all of this, you never thought you would be afraid of a person, but here you were, all alone, and you couldn't stop thinking about him and the place he kept you in. Even though the water was so hot it almost burned your skin, you felt shivers all over your body when you remembered his face. You couldn't help the feeling and the fear that he is still going to appear from somewhere and ruin your life again.

Telling yourself you were getting paranoid, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. As soon as your eyes closed, his face appeared in your mind again and you opened them, looking around the room in fear, to make sure he wasn't there. When you were convinced he wasn't there, you turned the water to a higher temperature, and you almost hissed when it came in contact with your skin.

You started to furiously scrub and scratch against your neck and chest with your nails. In your mind, it helped you get rid of the lingering feeling of his touch.

When your upper body finally hurt enough, your hand fell limply to your side and a sob wrecked your body. You lowered yourself until you were sitting on the cold floor of the shower. Your cries were muffled by the sound of the still running water.

A knock on the door made you look up. You didn't lock them, but Tony still didn't want to come in, you were terrified enough by everything that happened to you already, he didn't want to make it worse by doing something wrong.

"Honey, are you okay?" You heard his voice ask.

You got up to turn off the water and grab your bathrobe, wrapping it around your body and tying it before you spoke up. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He could hear the change in your voice and it concerned him. "Do you want me to help you? Can I come in?"


He opened the door slowly and as soon as he saw you, his face dropped. He could see the scratches on your body and the blood left behind them.

"Is something wrong?" You asked and only then, he looked up at your face, seeing your red eyes.

He didn't answer your question. Instead, he took a hairbrush and the hairdryer from the cabinet. "Come on, let me help you."

You nodded, and walked past him, leaving the bathroom.

Some time later, you were sat in front of Tony at the table. He had made you both something to eat while you were showering. He looked up at you and saw you barely touched your food. He cleared his throat and that seemed to snap you out of your thoughts. Your gazes locked and you smiled at Tony before you took a bite of the food he made. It was already turning cold, but you forced yourself to swallow the bite.

"You barely touched your food." He said. "It's your favorite, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, Tony, I'm not really hungry." You said, pushing the plate away from you. You felt bad for him, even though he only knew how to make one or two meals, he tried to make your favorite for you and he spent his time taking care of you."I'm sorry. I know you tried to-"

"Hey, hey, don't apologize." He interrupted you. "I'm just trying to talk to you. Do you want to talk?"

You gulped before nodding. It was the time to tell Tony everything Curtis did to you.

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