Part 6

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"Y/N." Shelley approached you again at some point in the evening, pulling you with her towards where Rhodey stood. "I want you to meet the best man."

"Shelley, don't-"

"Come on, he won't eat you or something." Shelley said as the two of you approached Rhodey, who was standing with Tony. "Gentlemen." She greeted them and you offered them a small smile. "Tony, this is Y/N, my cousin and my maid of honor." She introduced you to the man, who looked you up and down, his eyes flashing. "And Y/N, this is Tony. Rhodey's friend and best man."

You lent your hand out for a handshake, but were surprised when Tony took your hand and brought it up to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of your palm. "It's wonderful to meet you, darling."He said, looking up at you.

You smiled. "Wonderful to meet you as well." You told him.

"I didn't realize the maid of honor would be this beautiful."He said.

"Tony... "Rhodey nudged him and Tony looked at him.


"Sorry, he can be intense sometimes."Rhodey told you.

Some time later, it was time for dinner. As you sat down behind your table, surrounded by people you didn't know, you glanced at the one chair being left empty right next to you. Before you had time to think about whose place is that, a strong, male hand pulled the chair back and made you look up.

"Oh boy, I'm lucky tonight." Tony said as he sat down next to you and you smiled.

"I didn't realize that's your place."You said as the dinner was served.

"Disappointed?" He asked.

"Not at all." You told him. "You?"

"Darling, how could I ever be disappointed when it's about you?"He asked, which made you laugh.

You caught Shelley's gaze as she was by her own table, and she smiled at you.

Under the table, your knee touched Tony's as you finally settled down. You shared a look with him, but he never pulled away.

After the dinner was over, you looked towards Tony, only to see him pulling out a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He looked at you as well, before gesturing with his head to the secluded balcony, and then looked back at you. You nodded and followed after him.

You both stepped out on the fresh air and you closed the door to the balcony so you didn't hear the chatter and the music playing. As you turned towards Tony, you saw him blowing the smoke in the air as he was leaning his back against the railing, and watching you.

You took a breath as you approached him. The many stars on the sky took your attention, and you placed your hands on the railing as you looked at them. "Beautiful, aren't they?"

Tony, who didn't move his gaze off you, smiled. "Yeah."

You looked at him, suddenly feeling shy.

"Want one?" He asked, offering you the pack of cigarettes, but you shook your head.

"I don't smoke." You said.

"So, Shelley and Rhodey, huh?" He asked as he turned as well, placing his hand against the railing, right next to yours.

You nodded. "They're cute."

Tony tried to fight off the smile on his face. "Don't you think he's a bit old for her? Everybody back there is saying it."

"If they're happy with each other, who am I to judge?" You looked towards Tony, who was watching you carefully. "It doesn't matter how much older he is."

"So, would you be with an older guy?"

"It's not that big of a problem as people think." You said. "If you're an adult, of course."

"So, you would be with a guy that's... let's say almost 20 years older than you?"

"Yeah, I would." You nodded.

Tony smirked. "That's actually the first time I heard that."

"Well, have you seen boys my age?"You asked him.

Tony's gaze dropped from your eyes to your lips, but he quickly looked back up.

"There you are." You heard your mother say as she opened the balcony door."I was looking for you."

You stepped away, making more space between you and Tony as she approached you.

"Who is this gentleman?" She asked, looking Tony up and down. He discreetly threw the cigarette away before she could see it.

"Mom", you warned and looked at Tony, who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "This is Tony, he's..."He gave you a knowing look."He's Rhodey's friend."

"A pleasure to meet you." Tony said, taking your mom's hand in his and kissing the back of her palm.

"You as well." She smiled at him before turning to you. "Your father is asking for you."

"I'll be there." You said and she stepped away to give you and Tony privacy. "I have to go." You told Tony, who nodded.

"I understand."He nodded. "I'll see you later, then?"

You smiled as you stepped away from him and into the house.

As soon as you were inside, your mother nudged you, a smile on her face. "He's handsome."

You shrugged.

"Come on, he's handsome." She said, which made you look at your mother.

"Since when are you like this?" You asked, thinking it's weird how she was trying to be nice with you now.

You left her standing in place, looking at you while you walked away towards your father.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now