Part 24

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Shelley and Rhodey got a new apartment close to your place and asked you and Tony to come visit them that night

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Shelley and Rhodey got a new apartment close to your place and asked you and Tony to come visit them that night. Tony was supposed to pick you up and you were waiting for him in your apartment. You didn't wait for long, because a few moments later his text appeared, telling you he was outside. That was one thing you loved about Tony, he was always on time.

He watched as you approached his car, licking over his lower lip. You opened the door and got in, your sweet scent immediately filling the car.

"Hey there, baby." Tony greeted you as you closed the door. "You look hot."

"Look who's talking." You reached over to give him a kiss and he grabbed on your jaw to deepen the kiss.

He felt you smile into it, which made him smile as well. You went to pull away, but the grip on your face didn't allow you to.

"We're gonna be late." You mumbled out on his lips.

"Who cares?" He said before he went back to kissing you.

When he pulled away minutes later, you went to fix your lipstick in the mirror when you saw a familiar figure standing back by your apartment. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to focus on the figure, but it was too blurry.

"You good?" Tony looked at you, and you felt him pat your thigh. It made you snap out of your thoughts and look at him, offering him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. Just thinking about something."

When you arrived, Shelley let you inside, calling for Rhodey, who appeared out of kitchen. "Hey, you guys." He greeted you both. "You arrived together?"

"Um", you shared a look with Tony when you remembered Rhodey still doesn't know you and Tony are together, both of you trying to hold in your laughs. "Yeah."

"Come in, let's have a drink until dinner is done." Rhodey said and walked in front of you to take you to the living room. You looked at Shelley, who held the same amused expression on her face.

"How long do you think it'll take him to realize what's going on?" Tony quietly asked you and Shelley.

"Until dinner?"You looked between the two of them.

"Too soon." Shelley said.

"Are you guys coming?" Rhodey asked and you all laughed before following after him.

Shelley was right. The dinner had passed and Rhodey still didn't realize. Then, he poured you new glasses of wine and you were now halfway through the second bottle, but Rhodey was still oblivious.

"Right." Tony pushed away his glass and started to get up. "We should go."

"We?" Rhodey asked, glancing at you."Y/N is going, too?"

"Yeah." You said while grabbing your jacket. "I mean, we did arrive together."

"See, I told you guys he has no clue."Shelley said, making Rhodey look at her in confusion. The whole evening, while Tony held your hand under the table and somehow was always close to you, Rhodey had no idea, simply continuing to talk about whatever he was discussing with Tony.

"What are you talking about?" Rhodey asked.

"Didn't you notice something about them?" Shelley asked him, nudging him with her elbow.

"What?" Rhodey looked at the two of you. "You got a new haircut or something, Y/N?"

Tony had enough. He rolled his eyes before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his side."We're in a relationship."

"What?!" Rhodey's eyes almost popped right out of his skull, while his mouth fell open. "How - what - when did this happen? How... How long?"

"It's been some time now." You said.

"How I didn't notice all of this?"Rhodey asked, turning towards his soon to be wife. "You knew?"

"We're wondering that, too." Shelley pat his back. "And of course I knew."

The next day, after the lessons, you and Tony were going back to your apartment. You walked out of the elevator together, hand in hand, and you were laughing about something he said. You both failed to notice the figure standing in front of your apartment, about to knock on the door.

The man in front of the apartment turned towards you when he heard your laugh. "Y/N, I was-" He suddenly cut himself off when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes travelling to your joined hands before looking back up at you as the smile dropped from your face.

Your heart started to beat faster when you saw the man was no one other than your father.

And he didn't look happy with what he saw.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now