Part 9

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When you were back to university, the dean was the one to call you into his office

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When you were back to university, the dean was the one to call you into his office. You sighed as you realized it was another chance for Tony to say you were getting special treatment.

When you entered the office, you found the man signing over some papers, looking too busy to talk to you. He looked up when he heard the sound of knocking, then saw you."Miss Y/L/N, come in."He said with a smile as he closed the document he was reading over and looked at you.

"Is this a good time?" You asked him."I don't want to interrupt-"

"No, no, come in." He smiled at you and you did as he said. He gestured at the chair in front of his desk, and you sat down before he searched through the papers on his desk and took the one you had delivered to him. "I've seen you want to leave Mr. Stark's class. Were you the one who had filled out this form?"

"I was." You nodded your head.

"Can I ask you if there was any problems between you and your professor, Miss Y/L/N?"

You licked over your lip, not knowing what to say. You weren't even expecting to be called into his office."I... "

"You can tell me." The man tried to convince you. "Your father expressed his worry-"

You looked up when he mentioned your father. "I'm sorry, my father?"

He nodded. "Yes. He is very worried. I've had a talk with Mr. Stark, as well. He told me it was a misunderstanding, and that you both figured it out already. Is that correct?"

You didn't answer for a few moments. Then, you nodded your head. "That is correct."

"I'm glad then. Mr. Stark is one of the favorite professors here. When your father expressed his worries about a particular professor, and after I saw who it was in question, I thought it is impossible. Everybody here loves Stark."

You forced a smile on your face."I'm aware. We had a misunderstanding, and it was solved."

"Are you going to leave his class, then?" The dean asked.

You looked down at your lap."No. I won't."

Later that same day, when you walked into the room where Tony was teaching, he saw you and he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.

Of course, you were doing your best to hide your own.

While every other student was busy with making themselves comfortable in the hall, Tony caught your gaze and smiled at you before nodding. He couldn't believe he had you back.

You raised an eyebrow at him, and his smile only grew wider. He was the one to look away, and he slapped his hands together as he looked at the familiar faces. "Well, good day everyone. I'm in a very good mood today. That is why the lecture won't last long and you'll have more time for a break." He said, while you shook your head at him.

After the lecture was over (earlier than usually, just as he promised) you were one of the last students left in the hall. After you packed up your stuff, you made your way to Tony, who didn't move his gaze off you.

The last student left the hall and it was only the two of you alone.

"You stayed." He said as you approached his table.

"I did." You nodded. "This is still here, though." He watched as you pulled out an already filled out form out of your pocket.

"Holding on to that?" He asked you.

"You never know when you need it."You said.

"Does your father know that professor he talked about is actually me?" Tony asked you.

"He doesn't." You replied. "Or he'd already do something about it. Anyway, Shelley has been calling you."You said. "She told me to tell you that."

Tony's eyebrows furrowed. "Does she know I'm your professor?"

"No, she doesn't. She only told me to tell you that because she thinks you're ignoring her, and you'd answer me much faster."

"That's not far from the truth." Tony said, looking you up and down and licking his lower lip. "I prefer you more."

"I'm serious." You said again, looking into his eyes and leaning forward on the table, causing Tony's eyes to look at your cleavage. "She needs help with the wedding preparations. Too much work piled up and she'll be out of the country for a few days, Rhodey too, and they need to confirm which venue they'll choose for the wedding."

Tony was listening carefully as you talked.

"So, I've been thinking I can go and look at the place, while you finish some other thing on the list." You finished, and looked at him, expecting his answer.

"Well, I think we should both go." He said, making you look at him in confusion.

"What? Why?"

"I just think we should be more thorough. Two pair of eyes can be much better than just one. We can look at it together and see if we should confirm to reserve that one."

"Did you forget this is not your wedding? The only thing you need to do is to make sure it's big enough and available for that date." You asked him.

"It's the wedding of our best friends. I'm gonna make sure it goes well."

"Of course you will." You said. "Don't make any plans for tomorrow then."

"I'll clear my schedule for you." Tony winked at you and you felt your face heating up. Why was he acting so casual with you when, a few days ago, he told you all that stuff that almost made you drop his class.

You rolled your eyes. "Not for me. But for your best friend."

This time, it was Tony's turn to roll his eyes. Still, he couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face as he watched your figure leaving the room.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now