Part 3

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Over the next few days, Tony noticed you were quiet during his lectures, not even answering Wanda's questions

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Over the next few days, Tony noticed you were quiet during his lectures, not even answering Wanda's questions. You'd simply do your work and be one of the first people to leave the room. You didn't even greet him anymore when he would walk inside.

The day when you had to present your projects finally came and a few people presented theirs, before Tony called your and Wanda's names. He saw Wanda get up, gulping as she did so. She made her way to the front of the room and placed two separate papers on Tony's desk, making him look down at them.

Your name was written on one, and Wanda's on other.

Wanda prayed to God that he wouldn't realize she wasn't the one doing her paper, but you. You made everything, even did Wanda's parts.

"Is Miss Y/L/N going to join us today?"Tony asked, looking around the room. He couldn't see you anywhere. That's when his gaze fell on the empty seat. You weren't there.

"No", Wanda spoke up with a shaky voice, "She's absent today. I'll be presenting everything on my own."

Tony's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Wanda. "She could've at least let me know she'd be absent. We could've moved this for another day. Now I'll have to take away her points."

"She - uh, she sent you an email, I think." Wanda said, biting on her nails under the man's intense glare.

"Did she now?" Tony asked, turning around towards his laptop.

Everybody watched as he typed on his laptop for a few moments before his face dropped. He noticed your unopened email at top of the received ones and bit on his tongue when he realized he couldn't take away any points now. He shook his head, figuring somebody else probably did the project for you, so he'd give you a lower grade.

"You can start, Miss Maximoff. Let's not lose any more time." He nodded at Wanda.

Meanwhile, your plane had landed and you were now escorted back to your home in a limo. You looked out the window when you heard your phone ring. You took it out of your bag and looked at the newly received email from your professor.

Tapping on it, you quickly opened it, only to find a short answer from him.

"You should've let me known earlier. Now it's too late. We'll talk about this."

You scoffed and threw your phone back inside the bag as you looked out the window at the houses and buildings you were passing by.

You weren't sure why the guy hated you, but you started to feel the same amount of hate towards him as well. He was determined to make your life a hell while you were there, so you wouldn't make it easy for him either.

"Something on your mind, Miss?"The voice of your driver made you snap out of your thoughts. You looked towards him, and put on a small smile. He was an older man who was in charge of taking you wherever you needed to go. You knew him since you were five years old.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now