Part 13

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After the kiss, Tony and you would always text each other through the day, and you were sure it was safe for you to say that he changed for the better

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After the kiss, Tony and you would always text each other through the day, and you were sure it was safe for you to say that he changed for the better. He acted different towards you, and it became obvious you two liked each other.

Two days later, Shelley and Rhodey were in town and wanted to have a dinner with you and Tony.

You were sitting in your living room, dressed up and waiting for Tony to arrive. He was supposed to be picking you up. A few minutes later, you got a message from Tony, saying he arrived.

You quickly picked up your stuff before leaving the building and walking outside, where Tony was waiting for you.

He was leaning against his car, hands in his pockets as he looked you up and down. "Wow." He whispered out when you approached him.

"A good wow, or a bad wow?" You asked, making him smile as he fixed your hair.

"The best possible wow." He replied and you grinned. "You look stunning."He added.

"Thank you. And you look very handsome." You said and he bent down to place a small kiss on your cheek.

"Let's go now." He said, moving towards the car where he opened the door for you.

As soon as you arrived to the restaurant, you found Shelley and Rhodey already waiting, sat in one corner.

You greeted them and sat down before you all ordered food, which arrived quickly. "So, how have you been?" Shelley asked, leaning forward.

"We, uh... " You looked at Tony. "I'm good. You're the one organizing a wedding, I should be asking you how you are."

Shelley let out a breath, and Rhodey pat her arm gently before rubbing it up and down to get her to relax.

"She's been stressed lately." Rhodey told you. "She worries about smallest things way too much."

You gave her a knowing look. "You promised me you won't turn into a bridezilla."

"I know, I know." Shelley said, letting out a sigh. "I just can't help but worry. Did you guys get through things on the list?" She asked, looking at you and Tony.

You shared a look with the man sat next to you, whose eyes widened.

"The list... " You mumbled out, grip tightening on your fork.

"Yeah, the list I gave you. For my wedding. " Shelley said slowly, looking at you suspiciously.

"I, uh... " You licked over your lower lip.

"Of course we did!" Tony cut in, grinning at Shelley as he tried to convince her. Shelley's face relaxed and she let out another breath, while Tony sneaked his arm under the table, gently gripping your arm. You finally relaxed your grip on the fork and looked at Tony. He shot you a smile and you smiled back at him.

You sneaked your hand back on the table and took one of his fries when your friends weren't looking and he gave you, what was supposed to be, a glare, but he couldn't stay serious. He cracked a smile at you and let you do it.

As the dinner was close to ending, you and Shelley went to the toilet to fix your makeup.

"So", Shelley looked at you in the mirror, " Is there something going on between you and Tony?"

You chuckled and turned towards her."What?"

"Come on, I've seen the glances."

"Glances?" You asked again.

"Yes, the glances. The touches. You even arrived together. He's been literally glued to your side every time I see you two together. He likes you."

A small smile appeared on your face.

A few minutes later, you and Tony were in his car and he was taking you back to your home. It was a red light when you looked at him as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering you one. "Want one?"

You shrugged. "Just a smoke."

"You mean this?" He asked and you looked at him, confused, before you felt his hand on the side of your face. He was holding you in place and your lips slightly parted. He took a long smoke before blowing it in your mouth. Your heart sped up at his actions, and your stomach fluttered.

He licked over his lips as he watched you blow the smoke back out and it disappeared quickly through the open window.

He placed a peck on your nose before he began to drive off. He handed you his cigarette and you took a smoke before returning it to him.

"Shelley asked me if something is going on between us." You said as you looked at the road ahead of you.

"What did you say?" He asked.

You shrugged. "Nothing."

"Rhodey asked me the same thing." He said, making you chuckle.

"Gosh, they're the same."

"They're definitely suspecting something." Tony said as he made a turn and parked in front of your building.

"What if they find out?" You looked at him. "I'm still your student."

"They don't have to know anything."He said before opening his door and getting out. You looked at him in question as he made his way to your door and opened them for you before offering you his hand.

"What are you doing?" You asked. "Are you kicking me out?"

"No. Just doing what I wasn't able to do the whole evening."

"And what's that?" You asked as you stepped out of the car.

"This." He said quietly, before pressing you against the cold metal of the car and pressing his lips to yours.

His hand held the back of your neck as he kissed you, finally tasting your soft lips after the whole evening of wanting to do that.

You parted from each other and he looked at you as his finger stroked your cheek. "You are fucking beautiful."

You grinned at him before hiding your face in his neck, recognizing the smell of his perfume.

He gripped your waist and pulled you back to face him, all while he was smiling and his eyes held a particular glow in them. "No, no, don't get shy now."

He saw the goosebumps appear on your skin as his finger trailed down your arm. "You cold?"

Before you could answer, he was taking off his leather jacket and placing it over your shoulders, adjusting it on you. "There."

"Thank you." You whispered out.

"You are something else." He said.

"Me?" You raised an eyebrow at him.

"First, you steal my food. Then my cigarettes. My jacket. Then... " He trailed off and smiled at you.

"Then?" You asked, clutching onto his jacket.

He let out a smile before kissing you again. You were quick to kiss back and he pressed you more against the car.

"I wanna take you out on a date." He said, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Name the time and place." You told him, making him smile.

"Straight to business. I like it. How about tomorrow night?"


You two stayed outside for a few more minutes, before Tony decided you had to go inside since you were shaking from the cold. He waited until he was sure you entered the building before driving off.

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