Part 7

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By the next week, you were back in the city since the lectures and exams started again

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By the next week, you were back in the city since the lectures and exams started again. You were making your way into the university building, along with Wanda and you were talking about the newest club in town... Actually, Wanda was talking about it and you were just listening to her.

As you walked deeper into the building, you saw Tony, who looked your way. A smile spread across your face when you saw him, but it quickly fell when you realized he was ignoring you. You knew he looked your way and definitely saw you, but he was now pretending he didn't.

Why would he ignore you now when you two spent that time last week at Shelley's party? And you have to put up with each other more when the wedding preparations begin?

"Are you still listening to me?" Wanda asked you, waving her hand in front of your face.

You snapped out of your thoughts, not even realizing you stopped walking and were now looking at where Tony was standing before he walked away.

"Yeah, sorry." You told her, shrugging it off. "I just, uh... remembered something."

"So, do you want to go to that club?"She asked you. "A few girls from our year mentioned it to me. They want to come with us."

"Uh... sure." You smiled at Wanda."Not tonight, though. I've got a lot of work."

"Fine by me." Wanda replied, before you both saw a group of students gathered around the board. "Looks like the results from our exam in Mr. Stark's class came in."

You both approached it, and searched for your names. Your blood started to boil when you saw your name, along with a 76% next to it. You clearly remembered he told you you had one of the best results in your class.

"I got a 90% !" Cindy exclaimed, making you roll your eyes.

"She got a higher grade than us?"Wanda questioned. "A higher grade than you?"

You quickly turned before making your way to Stark's office.

Meanwhile, he was simply sat inside, reading the newest copy of the same magazine he read a few days ago. On the cover were the new photos with Andrew from two nights ago, the two of you being awfully close during another 'dinner'.

After hearing a knock on the door, he quickly threw the magazine in the bin under his desk and sat up behind his desk. "Come in!"

His posture changed when he saw it was you. He let out a breath before leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs a bit more. "Miss Y/L/N, can I help you?"

"Yes, you can actually." You said. "Why is my grade this low when I'm sure I got every question on the test right?"

"I wouldn't agree, Miss Y/L/N." He said, crossing his arms on his chest."The grade is for what you did on the test. My grading policy doesn't include special treatments. I've told you we'll go back to not standing each other on Monday."

"I wasn't asking for a special treatment." You said. "What I was asking for is an equal treatment of your students. How did Cindy get a higher grade than anyone else?"

"Extra credits."

"Which were specified where exactly?" You raised an eyebrow at him and crossed your arms on your chest.

"Everybody knows how things function in my class. Miss got more in depth with the topic, describing everything from the book. She studied for the test, and I rewarded her for that. Don't blame no one other than yourself for your grade, Miss Y/L/N."

"Not everybody knows how things work in your class." You said."Considering there is plenty of new students here, and you know it, you should've specified that on the test."

"Are you telling me how to do my job?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. The whole conversation was funny to him, but he wouldn't let it show. He liked how worked up you got, and that was exactly what he wanted.

"No, but-"

"Then stop talking."

"What?" You asked. "All I'm saying is I'm not the only new student so you could say it slipped off your mind. There are plenty-"

"I said stop talking." His words made you quiet. "If you want a higher grade, maybe you should've studied instead of going out with your boyfriend. I've told you on the first day you can't use your father's status to get a special treatment compared to the other students. I won't allow that in my class. Here, you have to work hard to have a high grade. Either do that and stop complaining, or be thankful for the grade you got."

You were sure, by now, you had steam coming out of your ears from how angry you got. Who did that man think he was?

"I've told you earlier, Mr. Stark, and I'll repeat it again." You said. "My personal life is not your concern. And I've made my decision."

He watched in question as you grabbed a paper off his desk.

"I'll drop your class."You said, which made him look at you in surprise.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now