Part 30

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The next day, during lectures, you desperately tried to avoid Tony, but it was almost impossible

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The next day, during lectures, you desperately tried to avoid Tony, but it was almost impossible. He would try and talk to you, and you had to be cold towards him, because you knew Curtis was always somewhere watching. You couldn't risk Tony's job, career and reputation, so the best thing for you to do was to just act cold.

After Banner's lecture, Tony caught up to you again once the hallway was empty of all students. "Hey, Y/N, can we talk?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't now-" You went to walk away, but his hand caught your wrist and he pulled you back so you stood in front of him again.

"We will talk now."He almost growled, eyes scanning over your face and trying to read your expression, but he saw nothing on your face. "What happened yesterday? Are you okay? What did the doctor say? Why didn't you answer my text?" He asked so many questions at once, and it made your stomach flutter, but on the outside you had to remain serious. He still cared about you.

You opened your mouth to answer when you saw Curtis watching you from the other end of the hallway. He ducked into the shadows before Tony, who followed your gaze behind him, could see him. "Please leave me alone, Tony."

"What?" He asked, surprised at your answer. You would never tell him that. "What's wrong with you? I'm worried about you-"

"Then don't worry about me!" You said. "It's simple. Can you let me go now, I have somewhere to be?"

"Listen to me very carefully, Y/N. I don't know what happened for you to act like this towards me, but you better fix that attitude before I have to do it myself."

You shook your head and pushed past him, while Tony remained there to look at your retreating figure.

He didn't know what was happening to you. Was it something he said or did? He didn't want you to be like this. He just missed you, his girl, his Y/N. He missed the way things used to be before anyone else had the chance to interfere in your relationship.

Suddenly, Curtis appeared next to you once you walked outside. "What did he tell you?" He asked as you took your keys out of your bag.

"Nothing much." You replied.

"I saw how you acted towards him."He said with a smile. "That was nice, I liked it. So, you need to be like that every single time when he approaches you."

You were about to tell him to fuck off, but instead bit your tongue and walked to your car, leaving Curtis to stand there and stare at you.

It was two hours later when Shelley walked into your apartment, a smile present on her face, but it somehow looked different.

"So, why did you come here?"You asked her as you put a cup of coffee on the table in front of her.

Shelley shrugged. "What do you mean? I just wanted to see how my cousin is doing."

"Right." You nodded, your lips pressed in a tight line. "Shelley, I know you."

"Alright, fine. Tony told James you were being different."

"Different?" You raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, he said that you were avoiding him. So, I just wanted to see you and ask if anything is wrong."

"No, I'm fine." You replied quickly, almost too quickly, which made Shelley suspicious.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me if anything is bothering you?"

"Yeah, I know." You replied. "But nothing is wrong. Can we stop talking about him now?"

"Yeah." She said, eyes scanning over your face. She didn't believe you, but decided not to say anything more, she didn't want to keep pushing you.

Shelley had left after you both finished your coffee, and you were now alone in the apartment, scrolling through your phone while eating pizza.

The ringing of your doorbell made you groan and you lifted yourself off the couch to open the door. Your lips parted in surprise when you saw Andrew standing in front of the door, arms crossed over his chest.

"Don't you have work-" You were quickly interrupted as he walked past you into the apartment.

"I know something is wrong." He said."You're either gonna tell me what's wrong, or none of us is leaving this apartment."

"What? Nothing is wrong."

Andrew sighed and took off his jacket."Well, we have the whole night and it's a good thing I have nowhere to be in the morning."

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now