Part 31

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"So, what do you have to say?"Andrew asked once he was resting comfortably on your couch, looking at you as you were sat on the chair

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"So, what do you have to say?"Andrew asked once he was resting comfortably on your couch, looking at you as you were sat on the chair.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied.

"Come on, Y/N, you can't hide stuff like this from me."

"God, why are you guys like this? I've got a very good reason I'm not telling this to any of you!" You finally snapped and got up, and Andrew followed, quickly approaching you to calm you down. You just didn't want them involved, unsure of the things Curtis was capable of doing to you and them.

"Hey, hey, calm down now. I'm only here to help you. We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't care about you." He said, rubbing up and down your arm. "Please, tell me. We can fix this."

"Fine." You said. "You know that guy you saw at the store, he was talking to me and... "

Over the next hour, you told the whole story to Andrew, including the part about Tony being your professor and how Curtis was now blackmailing you over the pictures of you and him. Andrew didn't interrupt you the whole time, even though his face showed shock during your whole story, but he listened to you carefully.

"Do you think we can dig up something on him too?"

"I don't know." You replied, pulling on your hair as you tried to think of what to do. "But nobody can know about this."

"We need to fix this." He said.


"Are the pictures on his phone?"Andrew asked you.


"Then we need to get it somehow."


"I'll think of something, don't worry about it. Now call Tony."

"What?" You asked, eyes widening in surprise.

"Call Tony." He repeated.


"No buts. Just call him and- in fact, don't call him. That bastard is probably monitoring your phone. I'll take you there. You two need to talk about this."

"I can't just show up there. I don't even know if he'll want to see me."

"Are you kidding me?" He asked, grabbing your phone off the table and opening your messages. He then turned the phone to you, showing you the numerous texts Tony sent you, all asking about how you're feeling and if you need anything so he can bring you."Does this look like he doesn't want to see you?"

Your face dropped and you looked down at the floor.

"Come on." Andrew approached you and pat your shoulder. "We're gonna get your man."

It was less than half an hour later when Tony opened his door, only to find you standing in front of them. His hand dropped to his side as he stared at you in surprise. "Y/N?"

He could barely process what happened next, you threw yourself in his arms and hugged him, pressing closer to him. He immediately did the same, placing his strong hands around your back as he hugged you tightly.

"You didn't reply to my texts." He whispered to you, making you pull away from him and look him in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry." You replied.

"What are you sorry for, sweetheart?"He asked, raising his hand so he could cup your cheek as he stared into your eyes.

"For how I acted lately." You whispered back, parting from him only to look back at the hallway to see if anybody followed you before you stepped into Tony's apartment again and closed the door. "I'll explain everything later. I just need you right now."

Tony's heart broke as he saw tears rolling down your cheeks. You looked genuinely terrified, and paranoid as you kept looking over your back to see if anybody was following you. Tony realized you had a very good reason for your behavior. He nodded and opened his arms for you again."Of course. Come here."

You couldn't wait for the words to leave his mouth, rushing towards him and hugging him, pressing right against him.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now