Part 11

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A whole week passed after the last time you and Tony saw each other. You couldn't believe what you were doing back then in the car, almost allowing yourself to kiss the man you hated, and that was, on top of all, your professor.

When you saw your father the next time, he suggested again to visit the Stark Industries. So, that was how you were spending your Monday morning.

You got up early to get ready for the visit, then had to spend a long time on the drive to the company. On the way there, you kept quietly praying to yourself that Tony wasn't there for today. Convincing yourself he'll be too busy with his own job, you were absolutely sure he wouldn't show up.

As soon as you arrived in front of the building that looked twice as huge in person than it did on pictures, you saw the car of your father's team pulling up behind you. Which meant having to act interested in everything you were about to be shown, and having a smile on your face all the time, because they would always take pictures to post them on your father's accounts.

As you made your way into the building and were now at the reception, you realized your earlier hopes were all crushed. Next to Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries, was his son - Tony. You closed your eyes and took in a sharp breath, before opening them and forcing a smile on your face.

Your father was much more surprised when he saw Tony after shaking hands with Howard. "Tony? What are you doing here?"

"This is my son." Howard introduced the two of them to each other, while you kept standing behind your father.

"I wasn't expecting to hear this." Your father said, patting Tony's back."Small world, isn't it?"

Indeed it is, you thought as your father turned towards you.

"Well, this is my daughter." He gestured at you while you stepped forward to greet Howard first.

He shook your hand, a smile present on his face. "I wasn't aware the young lady will be joining us today."

"Well, Y/N here is the reason I wanted to visit your company." Your father explained while you shook Tony's hand, looking each other in the eyes.

Tony licked over his lower lip as he looked at you and the tight clothes hugging your body.

As your father and Howard started to walk away, you and Tony followed behind them. He was so close to you that your shoulders were brushing against each other's. "What are you doing here?" He asked you.

"My dad's been planning this little trip for months. I was hoping you weren't here, actually." You said, not bothering to look at him, but at the company surrounding you.

"Ouch." Tony said.

"No offense."

"Y/N, dear!" Your father called for you before Tony could say anything more and you had to speed up a bit to fall in step with him and listen to the newest technology Howard was talking about.

Soon after he showed you the whole first floor, Howard had moved on to the labs, presenting his newest creations to your father while you were lingering behind, looking around the large laboratory.

Tony saw you as you were standing in front of a glass, looking at what was behind it. He came up behind you and spoke up, making you jump."Sneaking around?"

"You scared me." You breathed out. "I was just looking around."

"And happened to stumble upon a project I'm working on?" Tony asked, making you glance at him, then back at what was behind the glass.

"You made this?" You asked and he nodded.

"It's unfinished technology, still." Tony said, moving to stand on your other side as you admired the device. "We'll see how it goes."

"How much time do you spend here?"You asked, turning towards Tony.

"I'm here whenever I can. Many things you see in the lab are made by me." He said.

"So, what is this?" You asked, looking behind the glass once again.

"An arc reactor. Well, a miniaturized version." He replied. "We got a big one powering the factory."

"It's so beautiful." You said, glancing back at him.

"Well, remember the lesson?" Tony asked as he looked at you, the blue light coming from the arc reactor was what got your attention. Its light illuminated your face and you were captivated by it.

"I do."

"I tried to make a miniature version."He said and you turned to look at him. "Looks like I was successful."

He stepped closer to you when he was explaining about the arc reactor, so now, when you were face to face with him, an unknown warmth consumed your body, just like back in his car when you two almost kissed. He was standing so close to you, pressing against your body. His breath was hot on your face, and his lips looked so soft...

You heard your father mention your name from somewhere in the lab. His voice got louder with every second, and you quickly realized he was approaching you. You parted from Tony, clearing your throat.

"We should probably return." He said, and you nodded.


You two walked back to where you last heard your father, running into him and Howard, who were looking for you as well. With a smile directed to them, you stood by your father's side while listening to what Howard was saying about his inventions.

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