Part 34

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"How are you feeling?"Tony asked, standing in between your legs while you were sat on the hospital bed. He was checking you for any more visible injuries. You didn't have anymore on your face except from the slight bruising under the side of your eye from when Curtis slapped you.

"I'm fine."You smiled at how worried he was for you.

"You got a concussion, you're not fine." He said.

"Look, I got the medication I needed, can I go home already?"You asked him." I really wanna go home."You added just as the doctor walked in.

"I see you're feeling better, Miss Y/L/N." The doctor smiled, while looking over the tablet in his hands.

"I am." You replied as Tony moved away and the doctor approached you to check on you. "When can I go home?"

"You're impatient?"

"I'm sorry, I just can't stand hospitals. No offense."You replied, and the doctor nodded with a smile on his face.

"You can go home today, Miss Y/L/N. I believe I've already told you what you can and can not do."He said. "You can start packing."

"Thank God." You breathed out and got up from the bed.

When you got home, Tony opened the door for you to go inside. You walked in first, while he followed after you with your bag in his hand. As soon as you walked in, you were met with the sight of your parents, Shelley and Rhodey waiting for you.

Your mother was the first to rush to you and wrap you in her arms, letting out a relieved sigh. "I was so worried for you." She said as she examined your face, a slight frown appearing on her own when she saw the bruise."Are you feeling okay now?"

You cracked a small smile at her and squeezed her arm to reassure her."I'm fine. Thanks, mom."

Your father was next. He hugged you before he parted to tell you about Curtis. "I took the matters in my own hands. He's never leaving that prison. You'll have to go to the police station so they can question you-"Your mother nudged him and gave him a stern look. "But that can wait. We don't have to rush anywhere."

You nodded while Shelley approached you, wrapping you in a hug.

Tony immediately reacted and reached out to pull Shelley back."Try not to send her back to hospital already."

"I just missed you." She said, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

Rhodey approached you after her and you were surprised when he pulled you into a hug, too. "Welcome back."He said, patting your back.

"Thank you."

The doorbell rang and Tony opened the door, only to see Andrew stood there with multiple boxes of pizzas."Is anybody hungry?"He asked and you grinned when you saw him. He approached you to kiss the side of your head. "It's your favorite."

You watched after him with a smile as he placed the boxes on the table.

Later that night, you were sat in a chair in front of the window in your apartment while reading a book. Tony was placing the dishes left from today in the dishwasher in the kitchen. Your eyes scanned over the page, but you didn't register what you read. Instead, your mind travelled back to that place and Curtis. All of the emotions you felt; fear, anger, disappointment... They all came back.

You were deep in your thoughts when you felt somebody gently put a hand on your shoulder. A smile appeared on your face and you found yourself leaning into the familiar, warm touch. Tony leaned over to place a small kiss on your neck, but he found you pulling away, trying to avoid it. He pulled away as well, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. "You okay?"He asked.

"Yeah." You grinned at him to assure him everything was alright. You tried not to let it show that the only thing you could think of when Tony started to kiss your neck was how Curtis kissed your neck as well, but not in a way Tony had. "Why?"

Tony shrugged and sat on the chair next to you. "Just asking. What are you doing?"

"Just reading something." You replied as you sank more into the comfortable chair with a blanket draped over your lap.

"Not anymore." He said as he took the book from your hands and marked the page you were on before closing it and leaving it on the table.

"Hey, the doctor said-"

"Nope. I don't wanna hear it." Tony said. "You can read it tomorrow. Tonight, though, you should be resting. That brain of yours needs rest." He added and you smiled at him before leaning over hesitantly to place a peck on his lips.

"Thank you." You said when you parted and Tony opened his eyes to look at you.

"What for?"

"Taking care of me."

"That's my job." Tony replied before he placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, after which he placed a kiss on your forehead. "Do you wanna sleep? You've been awake for a long time already."

Your heart started to beat faster at the thought of him leaving and you being alone in the apartment. "Will you stay here?"

"Of course I will." Tony replied before he got up from his chair. You let out a squeal when he picked you up in his arms. You wrapped your hands around his neck to make sure you don't fall as he carried you to your bedroom.

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