Part 5

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The next week you had no lectures, so you were thinking of staying in your apartment and doing nothing, not wanting to go back home, when you received a text from your father early in the morning

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The next week you had no lectures, so you were thinking of staying in your apartment and doing nothing, not wanting to go back home, when you received a text from your father early in the morning. You pulled the sleep mask off and reached across the bed to the night stand where your phone was, groaning in the process.

You sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes while opening the text.

"We expect to see you home tonight, your cousin, Shelley, is celebrating her engagement."

You let out a groan before falling back in bed.

Later that day, you were already back home and trying to find what to wear when your mom stepped inside your room.

"You're back." She noticed, leaning against the door as you turned towards her, glancing at her shortly before turning back to your closet.

"You didn't even notice before?"You asked her, taking one dress and looking over it. "Again?"

"You went straight to your room, you didn't even greet me." She stepped into the room, approaching you.

"Well, I figured you were too busy with your friends. I didn't want to interrupt."

"You're overreacting, Y/N." She said."You make it seem like I don't pay you enough attention."

You rolled your eyes before placing the dress back in your closet."Right. Do you have a reason for visiting me?"

"I do, actually." Her hand moved over the dress in your closet. "I wanted to ask how are your lectures going?"

Your eyebrows furrowed. "Everything is good."

She looked at you suspiciously before nodding. "Fine. If you say so. Now, you should pick something nice to wear. Shelley's fiancé's family and friends are also going to be there tonight, and we need to look our best." She explained to you, searching through your closet while you rolled your eyes behind her back. "You should wear this green dress." You gave her a look and she smiled at you before patting your shoulder. "That is all. You should get ready, your father is going to be here soon."

That night, the limo stopped in front of Shelley's house and you made your way inside with your parents. As soon as you made your way inside, you saw the living room had been rearranged and decorated for the party. Your eyes caught Shelley's figure, holding onto her fiancé and you all made your way over to her. Her eyes light up when she saw you and she let go of the man before she approached you and hugged you.

"Thank God, I thought you wouldn't show up." She whispered in your ear.

"And miss this? Not a chance." You smiled at her when she parted from you. She greeted your parents, who soon left your presence after your father saw one of his friends.

"I think my face will crack if I smile any longer." She said as she took her fiance's hand again, you standing in front of them. "Y/N, this is James, my fiance. James, this is my cousin, the one I told you about."

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now