Part 27

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Tony rushed down the hallway, while you were running after him

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Tony rushed down the hallway, while you were running after him. Luckily, the place seemed completely empty, nobody was around to hear you calling out for Tony to stop.

But, he didn't. He walked straight into his office, slamming the door closed behind him. He walked to his desk, leaning down on it with his hands, trying to take deep breaths and control himself. The door swung open and Tony saw you walk in.

"Tony, it's not what you think, he doesn't know what he's talking about." You closed the door and approached him carefully.

His gaze snapped towards you, and you gulped as you watched the angered expression on his face as he approached you. "It's not what I think? Then what is it, Y/N?"

"He's not my boyfriend." You said quietly, walking backwards until your back hit the hard wall behind you. Tony now stood in front of you, looking over your face.

"He's not?"

"Of course not." You replied, reaching out to touch his face. You noticed he tensed when your palm touched his cheek and paused for a moment. As soon as his gaze met yours, he leaned into your touch. "I only care about you."

"God, this is so hard." Tony breathed out.

"It doesn't have to be this way." You tried to somehow get through to him."We can still be together."

"You don't get it, Y/N." He said. "Your father is more important."

He went to look away, but you now placed both of your hands on his face and made him look at you. "Would you leave your father to be with me?"

"Of course I would."

"Then what's the problem if I do it?"You asked and he scoffed. "He doesn't approve of anything I do anyway, Tony."

"This is so complicated." Tony shook his head. "I have to think about everything. Gosh, you still have a month left until you graduate."

You nodded, and Tony's heart broke at your saddened expression. Part of him wanted you to say something, convince him that he should, no matter what, be with you. He felt so guilty for leaving you to cry all alone in your apartment for the past few days.

"I get it." You said, moving away from him, about to walk to the door to leave his office.

"Wait!" Tony called out again.

"Yes?"You slowly turned towards him.

It felt like an eternity before he spoke again. "Can -" He took in a sharp breath. "Can I hug you?"

You nodded and he quickly crossed the room, taking you in his arms and squeezing you so hard against his body, he almost lifted you off the floor. His head buried itself in your neck and he breathed in your scent, while he felt your tears soak his shirt.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered out in your neck, unsure if you heard him. He didn't even know you could miss someone that much after just a few days.

You were sure you both were just standing there for quite some time now. Eventually, you placed your hand on his shoulder, slowly pushing away from him. "Tony... Tony, I gotta go."

"Yeah, sure." He let go of you and you bit on your lower lip as you instantly missed the warmth of his body.

Your hand wiped off the tear from your cheek and you offered him one last smile before you walked out of his office.

You were alone in your apartment later that day. Andrew had cleaned up everything before he left for his work. You were sat on the couch with some movie playing on the TV. You were only staring at it, too lost in your thoughts to watch it.

The doorbell rang, making you snap out of your thoughts and look towards the door. Cautiously, you got up and walked as quietly as you possibly could towards them. You didn't know what caused you to be this paranoid, but over the last couple of days, you constantly had a feeling you were being watched.

You opened the door only a little to look at who it is, and saw your father standing in front of them. You opened the door fully this time and looked at him in shock. "Dad? What are you doing here?"

You couldn't read the expression on his face and it had you worried. Your mom wasn't there to calm him down this time.

"Are you going to let me in?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Y-yeah, of course. Come in."You stepped aside, allowing him to come in.

He looked around the apartment, seeing empty candy wrappers, pile of unwashed dishes, tissues and ice cream boxes. He took another look at you, seeing your hair in a mess, dried mascara on your cheeks from crying, and you were still in your pajamas. He wasn't used to this side of you, usually you kept everything clean and in order.

"Your mother was right. You do look miserable."

You raised an eyebrow at him."What?"

"Relax." He smiled softly at you. "I'm here to fix things."He took off his suit jacket, draping it over the chair before he sat down on it. He looked at you still standing by the living room door and gestured at the couch. "Well, come on. Sit down."

You sat down, never moving your eyes off him.

Your father's gaze carefully looked over your face before he spoke up again. "Do you care about him?"

You nodded.

He clasped his hands together before he looked down at the floor. "Even though he's much older than you?"


"And do you think he truly cares about you?" He asked.


He nodded, thinking of what to say for a few moments. "Then, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."He finally said. "You can be with him."

"Really? You're giving me your permission?" You asked, still thinking this was some sort of a trick.

"Of course. I was thinking it over and realized I overreacted. I made my own opinion of him after only seeing him two or three times. I should've trusted you."

You nodded before looking down to the floor.

"Oh, boy. I know that look. What is it?"He asked.

"Tony broke up with me because he didn't want me to fight with you over him."

"Oh dear." Your father got up from the chair and walked over to you, pulling you into his arms and hugging you."I'm so sorry, darling."

"It's... " You were about to say it was fine, until your breath got caught in your throat and you felt tears forming in your eyes again.

He stayed with you until you were done crying and he made sure you calmed down before he grabbed his jacket and was out of your apartment. He was going to have a talk with Tony.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now